Kermit Gives Up Bacon

Times change and the chaotic winds of political correctness blow oddly, especially in children television. Such was certainly the case in Sesame Street.

What with the iconic Cookie Monster being put in Cookie Rehab, it was only a matter of time before they had Kermit the Frog give up bacon – much to Miss Piggy’s disgruntlement I’m sure. 😉

Kermit Watching Porn
Oh Yeah…Take It, You Terribilis Slut!

This has, of course, led to some awkward behind the scenes moments and the banning of the Nature Channel, Animal Planet, and the National Geographic Channel from the set. Although it’s rumored that the producers are working with Peewee Herman to develop a segment called “It’s OK To Touch Yourself”, so the ban may be lifted soon.


NOTE: For the vast percentage of readers who didn’t get the pun in the image’s caption, the frogs displayed appear to be Phyllobates terribilis aka Golden Poison Dart Frogs from Columbia.

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