The Modern Housewife

A lot of people will want you to believe that, when it comes to maintaining the family home and home life, things are very, very different from how they were in the 1950s. This is, by and large, a falsehood. The basic rules of “housewifery” have not changed in the least.

True, the intervening decades and shifts in what is and isn’t tolerable behavior have changed the methodologies by which a housewife can achieve her goals…

The Modern Housewife

Ok, Gentlemen; I know that, while a lot of you are laughing right, in the back your minds you’re saying, “Oh Hell no! There’s no way that my wife will ever being doing that!” I think that perhaps – just perhaps – you need to take a breath and really think about this again.

  • Firstly, all those chores that she does to make your house a home you want to come to at the end of the day got done.
  • Secondly, rather than spending money on getting the chores done, the Domme wife made money getting them done. As the average rate she would make is between $100 – $150 / hr, this is a significant boost to your family’s income.
  • Thirdly, rather than risking feeling lessened or subservient for being the housewife, this allows her to actually feel confident and empowered through being one.

And don’t worry about, in this day of dual-income households, of being asked what your wife does for a living. You can just smile and say that she’s a “personal trainer.” 😆

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