How Soon?

The Muslim group known as Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād, Daesh, “Islamic State,” ISIS, or ISIL – Whatever! They’ve been rebranded more than Global Warming – have promised to behead Obama and their supporters have even posted a image of doing so.

ISIS beheads ObamaHow Soon, Ragheads?

The real question that should be placed before these ragheaded, goat-fucking, sons of whores is how soon? Obama’s only got a little under a year and a half left as POTUS – 540 days at the time of this post – so the clock is sort of ticking. 😆

I mean really; the Muslims’ masturbatory fantasies about beheading Obama are laughable. One, how can the even begin to believe that they could manage to do it? Two, what makes them think that doing it would matter to America? Three, what makes these vermin believe that Obama would ever be more worried about them than Fox New?

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ACLU’s Queer Behavior

Recently, Bangor Area High School held a week-long Gay-Straight Alliance event in which the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance encouraged students to wear different colored shirts each day to raise awareness of queer issues such as bullying and suicide. During the high school’s televised announcements on the last morning of the event, two students on the broadcast wore Chick-fil-A T-shirts. This resulted in a shit of social media attacks against the two students and eventually led to about 15 students who engaged in the cyberbullying to being suspended the following week.

Anti-Christian Litigation Union (ACLU)Anti-Christian Litigation Union (ACLU) Is On The Scene

The result of that is that the ACLU of Pennsylvania is investigating the matter in order to determine if the school can charged with civil rights violations for suspending the students who attacked the two students who dissented against the LGBT event. Mary Catherine Roper, deputy legal director of the organization, described the suspensions as, “pretty harsh punishment.”

Somehow I just don’t think that any sane American could bring themselves to believe that, if the situation were reversed and it was two students wearing rainbow t-shirts who were attacked and bullied, the ACLU would investigate the school for suspending the perpetrators. No, the Anti-Christian Litigation Union (ACLU) doesn’t roll that away…ever.

Of course, the only reason the ACLU isn’t formally described as a hate group is that organization that makes its money by denoting organizations as such, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is itself a hate group.

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Liberally Offensive Logic

I's only wrong to offend MuslimsLiberally Offensive Logic

As we’ve seen from the Liberals and Progressives attacks up Pamela Geller and they’re blaming her for the Muslim terrorist attack upon the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest in Garland, TX, these Liberals and Progressives have their own “special” form of logic.

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And The Winner Is…

Sunday, May 3, 2015 was the inaugural Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest was held in Garland, TX. Of course, Muslim vermin showed up to murder people in response to this supposed outrage against their Pedophile Prophet.

The Best Muslim Cartoon
Muhammad Cartoon Contest Winner

Thanks to an American putting down the two vermin, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, there was a late entry to the Draw Muhammad competition. It was the clear winner. Then, when it comes to art featuring Muslims, you can’t easily beat chalk on pavement. 😉

Hehe…Both of the ragheaded, jihadi apes have kin in the general area. Maybe some American artists can turn this into a series.

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Crucify Them! Burn Them!

Liberals and Progressives just love to preach about the absolute need for tolerance. Yet, America’s ranting and raving domestic enemies neither show any understanding of that term or exhibit it towards those who fail to live up to every single argument of their doctrine and dogma.

Liberal "Tolerance" equals persecution of the unorthodox
Crucify Them!

Tolerance is the ability or willingness to allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with, with forbearance. What the Liberals and Progressives seek is endorsement, aid, and normalization of certain things that they have decided are protected traits. They do not seek any form of forbearance; they seek overt and explicit approval of that which normative, American society does not necessarily agree with.

Burn them at the stake for tolerance!
Burn The Heathens, Heretics, and Apostates!

And, as is to be expected, the “tolerance” of our domestic enemies does not extend to “heathens,” “heretics,” or, most especially, “apostates.” The latter bears the worst persecution but Liberals and Progressives demand that all of them profess their auto-da-fé before being nailed to the cross or burned at the stake…All in the name of fostering tolerance of course.

To borrow the catchphrase of their token, let me be clear – there is little if any difference between the Liberals and Progressives within America’s borders and ISIS, the Taliban, or Boko Haram. They may differ in exact beliefs and use somewhat different specific methods but they share a common level and extent of extremism and orthodoxy. When it comes down to it, there’s not a lot of difference between a knife, an AK-47, or an IED and paper terrorism and lawfare. In all cases it is the attempt to destroy those who beliefs are not deemed allowable.

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