Laugh At or With?
OK, so even creatures like the Muslims in ISIS can be funny at times…and not just when they blow themselves up or get caught fucking farm animals. The only issue I’m having is not knowing whether to laugh at these sand niggers or laugh with them this time.
Jihadi John Beheads Obama
Normally I have only limited use – ordnance and bio-chem weapons testing – for ISIS or any of the other Islamic exuberances that plague Mankind. Yet, how can I or any other patriotic American not get a chuckle out of their cartoon video of Jihadi John beheading Obama while the boy whimpers and whines? It’s freaking funny!
Tags: America | Assassination | Domestic Enemies | Foreign Policy | Geopolitics | Humor | ISIS | Islam | Islamists | Jihad | Muslims | Obama | Politics | Schadenfreude | Social Media | Terrorism | Terrorists | Vermin
April 20th, 2015 at 5:48 am
April 20th, 2015 at 7:55 am
Yeah, the humor is crude but that’s to be expected from the creators, intended audience, an subject matter, i.e., Obongo…and the ragheads actually managed to make it hilarious.