The Gods Made Girls

A brief word of warning – While the song in question is couched in the normal Christian monotheism of America, my commentary is in the framework of my faith, which is generally described as Pagan. If that’s going to be a larger issue for you than the actual meat of the commentary, there’s this thing called the Back Button. 😉

The Gods Made Girls

Not only is RaeLynn aka Racheal Lynn Woodward delectably cute and a fine singer, she’s got the right of things in “God Made Girls.” The Gods made women to complete men and men to complete women.

Maiden, Warrior, Mother, or Crone – whichever Aspect they currently evoke, the Gods made women to make men better than they’d otherwise be. That’s the crux of it that underlies any and all expressions of gender roles in the world.

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Bros Before Hoes

So, after so many months of coyly refusing to state that she’s was going to run for POTUS in 2016, Hillary Clinton finally decided to officially announce her candidacy.

It’s apparently a case of “bros before hoes,” a phrase that once meant you didn’t abandon or betray your friends for your girlfriend but, during the 2008 Democrat primaries became that Blacks come before White women.

Sadly, when dealing the possibility of Hillary following Obama into the White House, it’s a case of a bro before a hoe but both coming before- and hastening the collapse of America.

Hillary Clinton became an iconic figure by feeding the media and the Left the kind of rhetoric they love. Barack Obama did the same and became president. Neither had any concrete accomplishments beforehand besides rhetoric, and both have had the opposite of accomplishments after taking office.

They have something else in common. They attract the votes of those people who vote for demographic symbolism — “the first black president” to be followed by “the first woman president” — and neither is to be criticized, lest you be denounced for racism or sexism.

It is staggering that there are sane adults who can vote for someone to be president of the United States as if they are in school, just voting for “most popular boy” or “most popular girl” — or, worse yet, voting for someone who will give them free stuff.

Thomas Sowell
The National Review (March 24, 2015)

This is what the American electorate, thanks to the warm body franchise, has devolved and degenerated into – “People” who decry racism but vote for a candidate solely because of his race to be followed by those who decry sexism but will vote for candidate solely because she has a vagina.

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Female Leadership

Feminists, in America at least, love to rant, rail, bitch, moan, and whine about how there’s supposedly a lack women in leadership roles and positions. They have a growing fondness of calling this the “Leadership Gap.” And, of course, insofar as they’re concerned this all because of the evil “Patriarchy!” But then, isn’t everything?

Men Love Female Leadership

This is, of course, another of the Feminists’ ridiculous examples of blamecasting, transference, and general hysterical claims of victimhood that bear no resemblance to objective reality.

Frankly, men love and adore female leadership. If a woman chooses to lead, we men will surely and happily follow her. It doesn’t even matter where she’s leading us. 😉

So, obviously, these feminists should, if they want real reasons instead of a manufactured excuse to complain, look elsewhere for answers as to why we have a lack of female leadership.

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Intersectional Conflict

Intersectionality is a big thing to many interest groups seeking special privileges and protections. It is most important to the modern Feminists, which is unsurprising since the modern interpretation of this sociopolitical shibboleth was concocted by Kimberlé Crenshaw, Black Feminist.


Function: noun

Date: 1989


  1. The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, disability, sexuality, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage
  2. A term used in feminist discourse to mean “I may drag all my issues into every discussion”
  3. A means by which special interest agendists can attempt to broaden the power base.
  4. A way for White agendists to claim oppression without feeling like their detracting from the oppression they’ve assigned to Blacks.
  5. A methodology of making any issue too complex to be resolved, thus keeping academic theorists in a job

Of course, while very important to these groups, intersectionality does cause them both internal and external conflict. This results in the inevitable rounds of Whitesplaining, Bourgesplaining, and other types of -Splaining to avoid the label of racism or racial insensitivity.

Hands Up! Don’t Shoot The Free Nipple?

See the issue above? The intersectionality of the idiotic Free The Nipple pseudo-movement of the Feminists and the lie-based meme of Hands Up, Don’t Shoot of Blacks, is bound to cause conflict within those respective groups of self-professed victims. 😉

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Because The Patriarchy!

Because The Patriarchy
Because The Patriarchy!

Yes, it’s true. According to the Toxic Wave Feminists of these degenerate times, everything and anything that these self-hating harridans dislike is due to the “Patriarchy.” It seems even Global Warming is the fault of men.

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