Khrushchev’s Long Game

Khrushchev's Long Game
Khrushchev’s Long Game

And there in is the true sadness of the world. Khruschchev’s long game was spot on, despite decades and decades, and failed nation after failed nation to prove that neither Communism nor Socialism can truly work at the national scale. Yet it’s a damnable fact that, since 1960, various Democrats and other Leftists have been incrementally nudging America toward that failure of a socio-economic-political system.

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Education’s Fixable Cost

Education's Fixable Cost
Education’s Fixable Cost

OK, to start with, Harvard didn’t pay Elizabeth Warren $400K for teaching one class. They paid her, their sole “Native American” faculty member about $94K to teach that one class. Still though, paying someone that much for teaching a single course seems ridiculous and correcting that sort of excess would be start towards fixing the supposedly ludicrously high cost of a college education.

If nothing else, it’d be both a step in the right direction and a step away from the Democrats’, Socialists’, Liberals’, and Progressives’ attempt to just have all of us pay for whatever education the next generation wants.

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Why Socialism? Blame Race!

Why Socialism? Blame Race!
Why Socialism? Blame Race!

If you’ve ever wondered why so many of the entitled, mis-raised Millennial Snowflakes have turned to Socialism, you might want to blame race or, rather, the Left’s rendition of racial politics. While perhaps counterintuitive, the SJWs’ ideas of “race relations” seems like a good bet for being a large part of why this has happened.

Understand two things: people in general are fairly self-centered and self-serving, with the Millennials being more than a bit more so; and the Left’s whole agenda when it comes to non-Whites is giving them Whites’ money. This simply means that these Millennials have been drawn to the only political-economic system that promises to give them money and give the non-Whites money.

It’s really just a way for them to get a piece of the pie that their side wants to give to others while not triggering an attack from the SJWs.

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Bernie’s Self-Immolation

It’s more than a bit funny that the mad socialist, Bernie Sanders is, himself, feeling the “Bern.” Then, Socialism is great fuel and hypocrisy and equally good accelerant. Bernie’s self-immolation was almost guaranteed. 😉

Bernie's Self-Immolation
Bernie’s Self-Immolation

What’s happened is that Bernie’s campaign staff – which unionized – is in extended arguments with their “management” over the pay and benefits that his campaign’s field staffers get. The staffers have complained that their salaries of $36,000 annually ends up being less than $15.00 / hour when the numbers of hours a week they work on average are factored in.

A letter that the campaign’s union planned to send to Sanders’ campaign manager Faiz Shakir which read in part that workers “cannot be expected to build the largest grassroots organizing program in American history while making poverty wages. Given our campaign’s commitment to fighting for a living wage of at least $15.00 an hour, we believe it is only fair that the campaign would carry through this commitment to its own field team.”

The letter states that field organizers are working at least 60 hours a week, which lowers the average per hour pay to $13 an hour.

“Many field staffers are barely managing to survive financially, which is severely impacting our team’s productivity and morale. Some field organizers have already left the campaign as a result,” the letter said.

Even a proposal from the campaign director, Faiz Shakir that recommended raising their salaries to $42,000 per annum was rejected, largely because the proposal didn’t also include Bernie paying for 100% of the staffers’ healthcare costs.

Yep. Ol’ Bernie really should have known that, if he’s going to run on forcing higher wages for low-end personnel and free healthcare for all, he was going to have to fut the bill for them same for the partisans actually working for him.

Oh! And just to add more fuel to his own pyre, Bernie’s response to this rebellion as of July 19, 2019 was to reduce staff hours to ensure everyone makes $15 an hour.

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And Another Hat Is Thrown

Another Hat Is Thrown
And Another Hat Is Thrown Into The Dems’ Primary Ring

🙄 So, yet another Dem has thrown their hat into the ring and plans on competing for that party’s Presidential Nomination. This time it’s Biden, defying both his personal issues and his race, gender, and age.

It is to yawn; to sit back steeped in ennui as yet another of them begin the process of trying to manufacture some semblance of difference between themselves and every other Dem candidate. And yet, at the end of the day, all that is different between them are their faces and how they shade their rhetoric to most appeal to their chosen market segment of likely Dem voters.

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