Speed Chart

Speed Chart
Speed Chart

The most needed speed chart anyone who actually earns money and/or creates wealth will ever see, especially while we’re so self-destructive and stupid as to allow Democrats any say in how our country runs and funds that running. Nothing is faster than they are in taking our money.

And yes, they can even break lightspeed and the barriers of time to take our money. They regularly, when they cannot manage to strip us of our made wealth, simply take it from our children and our children’s children.

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The Retro 2020s

The Retro 2020s
The Retro 2020s

What’s old is gone, largely forgotten, and back again… or will be very soon. The real effects of the Coronavirus pandemic, the massive damages from the panicdemic built up around it, the “retiring” of so many of the eaters, and the Democrat policies and restrictions that exacerbated these issues has all but guaranteed that 2020s will be a reprise of earlier economically devastated times.

The Perfect Storm or Slacknado

From what I can see, this is being brought about by the intersectionality of TURDS and the simple fact that both the lower echelons of the residents within our country and the ever-entitled Millennials disdain for working. When Democrat politicians are willing to sacrifice the nation in order to refute President Trump’s very existence and 10s or 100s of millions of individuals are more than willing to capitalize upon it in order to avoid working, the coming economic collapse is foreordained.


So, My Fellow Americans, you’d better both strap in and get strapped. Things aren’t just going to go downhill, they’re going to go over a cliff. Be ready, willing, and able to take both defensive and proactive measures to defend yourself, your family, and the future of our People.

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Build Back Better Explained

Biden's Build Back Better Explained
Biden’s Build Back Better Explained

This perfectly explains Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, his and the Dems’ multi-trillion dollar boondoggle. It is, as it must be due to the nature of our federated political system, is doomed to be nothing but a hodge-podge of poorly – if at all – though patches to a system that the Dems’ have decided is broken. It’s just, at best, a bit of rhetoric to rationalize the theft of $3.5 trillion or more from the makers in order to fail to usefully give it to the eaters and takers within our borders.

But then, one does have to wonder if there ever was a point to Build Back Better beyond doing what the Dems have always stated their primary focus in politics was: stripping wealth from successful private citizens and enterprises in order to use it for their own agendas.

Honestly, if Biden and Dems actually wanted to help out the “lower and middle classes” they could just change the tax code so that nobody making less than $44,000 per year paid federal income tax. That would be a direct and easy benefit to the bottom %50 of taxpayers in America and would only cost the federal government approximately 3% of its total Personal Income Tax dollars. A few small and relatively painless tweaks to other parts of the tax code and enforcement policies could even make it cost-neutral.

But Build Back Better is meant to be Build On The Backs Of The Makers, if one can reasonably believe that anything at all will be built in the first place.

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A Single Brick

A Single Brick Shows The Difference Between Americans And The Blacks And Their Enablers
A Single Brick Shows The Difference

A single brick and how someone chooses to use it shows the difference between the Makers and Eaters and Takers; the citizen and the resident; the American and the Democrat.

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And Another Hat Is Thrown

Another Hat Is Thrown
And Another Hat Is Thrown Into The Dems’ Primary Ring

🙄 So, yet another Dem has thrown their hat into the ring and plans on competing for that party’s Presidential Nomination. This time it’s Biden, defying both his personal issues and his race, gender, and age.

It is to yawn; to sit back steeped in ennui as yet another of them begin the process of trying to manufacture some semblance of difference between themselves and every other Dem candidate. And yet, at the end of the day, all that is different between them are their faces and how they shade their rhetoric to most appeal to their chosen market segment of likely Dem voters.

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