Labor Day Joy & Hope

Labor Day Joy & Hope
Labor Day Joy & Hope

It’s Labor Day, but there’s not much celebrating… and even less Joy and Hope. Americans just aren’t doing very well, and they haven’t been since the Democrats’ coup removed President Trump from office and replaced him with Creepy Uncle Joe and Kamala “Hyena” Harris. Very much worse for Americans, Harris and Walz will most likely just make it worse if they’re allowed to claim victory in November.

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Expensive Locations

Glamorous, Expensive Locations

It has long been the case that many, if not most, photo shoots of beautiful women are in exotic, expensive locations. They’ve always been selling the dream of the whole lifestyle, not just the women. These days since Biden was installed as POTUS, this has become somewhat disturbing. More and more these days, I’m finding the expensive location being the grocery store!

Yeah, starting about mid June, 2021, hot babes in scanty clothing in grocery stores started getting more and more common. And, I say that is a nonstandard but on-the-ground accurate economic indicator. Worse, it’s an indicator that our economy – that of the normal American – is in collapse.

And please, my fellow Americans, understand that it will only get worse if Harris is installed into office. What passes for its economic policy is even worse than Biden’s. And that’s not even counting the chilling effect that Harris would have upon the American economy.

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A Democrat Christmas Wish

A Democrat Christmas Wish - A Build Back Better Christmas
A Democrat Christmas Wish

The Christmas the Democrats, under Biden and Co., have forced upon Americans and the Christmas I wish upon them and their kin.

May their days be few. May creditors seize their entire estate, and strangers take all they have earned. Let no one be kind to them; let no one pity their fatherless children. May all their offspring die. May their family names be blotted out in the next generation.

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Dems’ New Currency

Dems' New Currency - Buttcoin
Dems’ New Currency

With the Pedo-in-Chief and his nursemaids and handlers having heavily tanked the whole of America’s economy, and with their response being to start looking into removing cash and enacting a federally controlled Digital Currency, I present to you the future of the American “Dollar” – Buttcoin.

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Economic Indicators

Economic Indicators
Economic Indicators

I freely admit that I’m no economist; voodoo is not my thing. Still though, certain key economic indicators can be seen and easily understood by laymen such as myself. And, while the indicators may look quite good, what they’re indicating is about as bad as it can get.

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