Dems’ Forgiveness

Dems' Forgiveness Is Limited
Dems’ Forgiveness Is Limited

Mike Row, as is often the case, has made a very good point. Biden and the Democrats desires to forgive loans is quite limited. They’re eager to forgive student loans for college, but would never offer, much less forgive, a loan or lease for a work truck… or even a VA mortgage.

My addition of “offer” was necessary. Biden and Co. can’t forgive non-government-issued loans. Hence, Mr. Rowe’s comment, while sensical, was not 100% accurate.

Then, why would they forgive anything but student loans? A college education means 4+ years of indoctrination into Democrat groupthink. It just makes perfect political and ideological sense for them to subsidize it and only it at the expense of the American people.

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No Forgiveness For Biden

No Forgiveness For Biden
No Forgiveness For Biden

There’s no forgiveness for Biden. Specifically, there’s no ill-conceived and illegal student loan forgiveness for him and whichever group of his handlers had him sign the Executive Order to cancel approximately $400 billion in voluntarily incurred student loan debt. His or their plan to buy a plethora of 2024 votes with federal monies is essentially dead in the water at this point.

First a federal judge in Texas blocked it. Then, just a days later and regarding a separate suit against Biden, a unanimous ruling by the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis blocked it again via injunction. Most likely, if the Texas ruling goes for appeal, the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals will do as the 8th did. Even if they don’t, however, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals’ injunction against it will still stand until that Court reaches a final decision in State of Nebraska v. Joseph Biden, Jr..

😉 It’s dead, Joe. Shuffle away and forget about it.

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Student Loan Forgiveness

Student Loan Forgiveness Explained
Student Loan Forgiveness Explained

The real reasons for Biden spending between $300 – $500 billion of the taxpayers’ money to nullify a large amount of student loan debt are quite simple. One, it’s the largest purchase of votes for the Democrat party in history. Two, Biden’s handlers know that they have to bolsters colleges, which are the greatest source of liberal indoctrination in America.

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Education’s Fixable Cost

Education's Fixable Cost
Education’s Fixable Cost

OK, to start with, Harvard didn’t pay Elizabeth Warren $400K for teaching one class. They paid her, their sole “Native American” faculty member about $94K to teach that one class. Still though, paying someone that much for teaching a single course seems ridiculous and correcting that sort of excess would be start towards fixing the supposedly ludicrously high cost of a college education.

If nothing else, it’d be both a step in the right direction and a step away from the Democrats’, Socialists’, Liberals’, and Progressives’ attempt to just have all of us pay for whatever education the next generation wants.

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