Bikini Interlude 11

Bikini Interlude – Pregkinis

As is the case with almost all the Bikini Interlude posts, there’s really no real purpose to this post beyond providing myself and any who come here a brief interlude of beauty and a last taste of these pleasures as the bikini season ends for the year.

The above being said, as July, August, and September are the months when the largest number of women give birth, let’s celebrate the pregkini because pregnant babes are no less hot than non-pregnant ones and they’re probably going to miss next year’s bikini season!

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(Click to Enlarge)

“Boom!” That’s the sound this image evokes. Not, however, the sound of Jenee’s rifle discharging – the sound of Liberals’ and Progressives’ heads exploding when they see the picture.

Renee is White – that’s enough right there to set of some of America’s domestic enemies – married to a US Marine, quite pregnant, and shooting a rifle in the great outdoors.

This picture is almost the perfect poster of what Liberals and Progressives believe is so wrong with America. Of course their heads would be exploding upon looking at it.

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And This Makes Sense?

In New York City, as with essentially the entire country, school nurses can’t dispense even an aspirin without direct doctor’s order but now under the auspices of Connecting Adolescents To Comprehensive Health (CATCH) they can dispense both contraceptives and the Plan B abortificant to to minor girls without any form of parental consent or notification – and this makes sense?

Indeed, does it make any sense for the city to provide doctors to the schools to give these prescriptions to girls as young as fourteen when they don’t provide such services for any other sort of medical need, most of which would be far more legitimate than contraception and abortificants?


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Rapid Delivery

When she absolutely, positively has to inseminated right now there’s Nordisk Cryobank and their Sperm Bullitt.

For any other times, there’s akvavit, sexet musik, and the kamasutra. 😉

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Preggo Pole Dancing

So what’s a pregnant woman to do? She’s gained weight, probably isn’t feeling sexy and that, combined with the hormone roller coaster she’s trapped in, is likely making her feel unhappy and undesirable.

Fortunately, Roxy Fedaro (Christina Applegate, actually) has released a prenatal exercise DVD that should help. 😉

Roxy Fedaro’s Prenatal Pole Dancing DVD!

Watching Christina’s Applegate’s spoof video put me in an odd position; I didn’t know whether to fall on the kitchen floor laughing or gouge out my own eyes and try to pour bleach on my brain.

The only lingering bit of sadness this video engenders is that, given the growing depravity of American society, there probably is, or soon will be, a real life Roxy Fedaro and a commercial such as this.

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