The New American Myth

There’s no doubt that America, like all nations, cultures, and peoples, is a land partially built upon myths. Just listen to a Liberal rant when they hear about making America great again, or an American when Liberals try to rewrite – normally to a more Black and White – parts of history. In both cases, there will be an immediate acknowledgment that this is so. Simply put, America is Americana as much as anything else.
But now, 23 years – approximately an entire generation – since the Muslims enacted the greatest act of terrorism in modern history, we seem to have a new American myth, that of widespread unity in the aftermath of 9/11. And, that is what and all it is – a myth, a wondrous but false bit of exceptionalism to be added to Americana.
The truth is that by 9/12 various Democrats were already online, proudly proclaiming that the attack was America’s fault and we deserved it and worse. The truth is that by 9/12 the were many Muslims celebrating the attack, and others whose only concern over it was their fear of Americans’ response. The truth is that 9/12 literally was when Democrats brought the term “Islamophobia” to the forefront of sociopolitical discourse, and it was the inception of what has become #Wokeness.
No. Our nation coming together as one on 9/12 is just a new American myth. Many of us did, but far too many within our borders chose to side with the Muslim terrorists instead, and many more than that chose to politically profiteer off of it.
Tags: 9/11 | 9/12 | America | Americana | Comforting Lies | Democrats | History | Legends | Liberals | Myths | Politics | Progressives | Society | Unity