The Obesity Issues
It has been decided for some reason that America has obesity issues. Yes, plural. There are two major obesity issues within the borders of America, those experienced by Americans and those experienced by Liberals and their minority tenants.
America’s Obesity Issues
But this has always been the difference between Americans and the domestic enemies we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. This supposed “obesity epidemic” is just one current example.
When an American decides that something in his or her life is wrong – his or her weight in this example – he or she says, “Damn! I’ve got a problem and I need to do something about it.“
When an American decides that something in someone else’s life is wrong – their weight in this example – he or she says, “Damn! They’ve got a problem and they should probably do something about that.” The American may then offer to help or may not, dependent upon a variety of factors.
Liberals, Progressives, and Minorities
When Liberals, Progressives, or their minority tenants decide that something in their lives is wrong – their weight in this example – they say, “Damn! Something is wrong with America. They caused my problem and it’s all their fault. They need to do something about this!“
When Liberals, Progressives, or their minority tenants decide that something in somebody else’s life is wrong – their weight in this example – they say, “Damn! America is wrong! It’s selfish and evil!. They either caused this person’s problem or allowed them to do it to themselves. They need to do something about this!” They then set about building a bureaucracy to regulate whatever behaviors and outcomes are involved.
Of course, if the person with the problem – his or her weight in this example – is a minority, especially a Black, the problem will be claimed to be caused by America being racist. “Social Justice” and “White Privilege” will be blamed for the problem and reparations will be called for in addition to correcting the problem for them and any of them experiencing it again.
Thus we have the obesity issues in America, both those experienced by Americans and those experienced by Liberals, Progressives, or their minority tenants. The first is a personal problem that can be dealt with by responsible personal action. The second is a declared societal failing that must be dealt with by the government.
Tags: America | Conservatives | Food | Liberals | Lies | Nanny State | Obesity | Politics | Progressives | Responsibility | Society | War on Food