Speak Not Of Things!

Somethings must not be allowed to go unpunished. One of these horrid things is when a teacher or school administrator abuses and American child and tries to strip them of the constitutional rights in an effort to further indoctrinate them.

Zachary Golob-DrakeOn Thursday, December 12, 2013  Zachary Golob-Drake, a 5th-grader at the Patel Partnership School in Tampa, FL won first place in his class’ public speaking competition, thereby earning the privilege to represent his school at the the regional 4-H Tropicana Public Speech contest.

That was when the trouble began.

Young Zachary’s speech was entitled, “In the Name of Religion” and mentioned the historical use of religion as an excuse for violence and the Muslim Terrorism of the modern age.

The Patel Partnership School’s assistant principal, Candice Dodd pulled Zachary aside before school was dismissed that day, told him his speech was inappropriate and stripped him of his ribbon and position representing the school in the regional competition.

“She started talking to me about how she thought my speech wasn’t appropriate for 4th and 5th graders and she thought that probably I would have to rewrite my speech, take the religion out or not compete.”

He said he told her he needed to think about it at home.

“She said to me probably the fairest thing to do is to take your ribbon,” he said, noting that he then got emotional.

By the time his older brother picked him from school, he was crying.

None of the boy’s hard work, feelings, or Constitutional rights mattered at all to this worthless piece filth, Candice Dodd. It was somehow offended by the winning speech and decided to demand that he either completely rewrite it or sacrifice the trappings and privileges of his victory.

No! Such petty tyrants and domestic enemies of America cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Nor can they be allowed to hide behind the rights when their crime is violating of others’ rights, especially when it’s the rights of an American child of tender and impressionable years.

As this thing has violated others, let it be well and truly violated in its turn.

Candice Dodd

Work Email: Candice.dodd@sdhc.k12.fl.us
Work Tel#: (813) 983-3966
Work Address: 11801 Bull Run Drive, Tampa, FL 33617

Home Tel#: (813) 671-0106
Home Address: 11418 Newgate Crest Dr Riverview, FL 33579

As I can find no image for this this worthless piece of filth, go softly and cautiously if you choose to confront it at home in some manner. While no other Candice Dodd could be located near Tampa, FL, this is not 100% proof that the contact info is correct.

At a bare minimum and only as a start, this vermin should be fired. Americans need to make an example out of it by making it clear that we, the People will no longer tolerate its kind amongst us.

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Impeaching Holder

Holder Contempt - I've got a noose with the boy's name on it. It's a shame I'll never get to use it.Rep. Pete Olson (R-TXs) and 10 other House Republicans have drafted four articles of impeachment against Holder. They plan on introducing these articles of impeachment as early as today, though the House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) won’t commit to moving forward with any of the resolutions of impeachment.

Yet Rep. Goodlatte has little or argument with the content of these resolutions. He’s just unlikely to act upon them.

Under Attorney General Holder’s watch, there has been a lack of leadership and a politicization of the Justice Department. Scandals from the Fast and Furious gunwalking operation to the seizure of reporters’ emails and phone records in national security leaks investigations have undermined the Department’s credibility and the American people’s trust. Attorney General Holder has also politicized the rule of law by refusing to enforce laws he doesn’t like.”

The only way to restore credibility at the Department of Justice is through an improvement in the quality of leadership. President Obama should make a change in the leadership of the Department of Justice to restore the confidence of the American people in our nation’s top law enforcement agency.

This combined with the expected utter lack of support from Speaker John Boehner (“R”-OH) means that the efforts to impeach and remove Attorney General Eric Holder from office are most likely doomed from the start and that Holder will remain protected from the consequences of his myriad high crimes and misdemeanors.

A Moral And Philosophical Divide

Perhaps prophetically, the House is divided morally and philosophically on the matter of Impeaching Holder or Obama.  The House Republicans fall into two camps: those who adhere to the philosophy of Deontology and those who follow the dictates of Consequentialism. With the Senate, still being firmly in the hands of the Democrats, very unlikely to convict Holder no matter what he has done there is no point beyond doing the right thing for its own sake for the House to indict him.

Obviously, the deontologists want to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do and the fact that nothing will come of it doesn’t really come into the picture insofar as they’re concerned.

Conversely but equally obviously, the consequentialists want to do the right thing but only if doing so will produce a beneficial and ethical result, which any attempt to impeach Holder won’t do since, even of the House indicts, the Senate won’t convict.

With such a fundamental philosophical and ethical divide, the House is unlikely to take any action against Holder.

The Politics of Hate and Othering

Of course, one must not make the mistake of attributing too much devotion to people, especially professional politicians. Most people don’t have a strong tendency towards letting their ethics and morality cause them to put themselves at risk. This is even more true of professional politicians since they want to keep their jobs.

This tendency towards amorality in favor of survival is exacerbated by Obama’s success, with the aid of the ever-complicit Lamestream Media, in the politics of division, hate, and othering. He’s has both successfully redefined bipartisanship and labelled any GOP dissent from his agenda as obstructionist, classist, and racist. That inherently has a chilling effect on many Republican politicians – as Obama and his handlers meant it to.

This has, from what little we’re allowed to know about him, has always been Obama’s preferred modus operandi. He divides people, gets his side to think of the opposition as the Other, and gets them to vote against them rather than to vote for him.


So, for both philosophical and materialist reasons, I sincerely doubt that the impeachment of Eric Holder will move forward at all. Most likely it won’t even be heard or debated by the House Judiciary Committee Chairman.

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The Unaccountable Ones

The idea that people’s rulers should be served and given leave to rule is ancient. It’s even biblical.

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

Hebrews 13:17, the Bible( KJV)

But what if, as Americans have found in these latter, lesser days, our titular leaders are neither held accountable nor feel in any way that they are so or should even be so? What now? Should we obey them and/or submit ourselves to them and their agendas when it has become clear that they: do not watch for our souls; do not believe that they must give account to either us or the God(s); and do not, in the case of 53% of us, care what is unprofitable for us?

Obama - I Am God

Some would say that we, the People should pray for these would-be rulers of our land.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

1 Timothy 2:1-2, the Bible( KJV)

Others would say that a quiet and peaceable life is not worth the cost in godliness and honesty that must accrue – a black debt upon our souls – by lending even spiritual aid and comfort to those who have reneged upon and defiled the covenant they were sworn to abide by. These too, however, often believe in prayer as the solution, though I find this lacking and vaguely theologically offensive.

Personally, I cannot help but belief that, upon our respective deaths, we shall go before our God(s) for judgement and they will task us sorely for not taking it upon our own heads and hands to deal with these unaccountable ones.

No! We must hold these would-be tyrants accountable for this failures and malicious misdeeds. The only questions of merit are what forms and within what limits, if any at all, our reprisals should take.

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Justice Isn’t Blind

It has always been the ideal that justice should be blind. Or, at least, that always used to be the ideal. That seems to have drastically changed in recent decades as the response from the Blacks and the Liberals and Progressive who pander to them to the Zimmerman verdict makes abundantly clear.

Justice was given a blindfold before her execution
Justice Isn’t Blind. She Was Given A Blindfold

The Blacks hate the simple fact that Trayvon got justice and later so did Zimmerman. This is because the only “justice” that Blacks will accept is the corrupted abomination that is called Racial Justice. To a Black and any others who side with them justice must never be blind; she must always see the color of someone skin so that the outcome can be “properly” adjusted to meet the Blacks’ sensibilities.

Remember that “color-blind” is not acceptable to Blacks because it would apply a single standard irrespective of race and that is not something that Blacks will tolerate because holding them to the same standards as Whites somehow violates their perceived rights and is, hence, racist.



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Trayvon Got Justice

Trayvon MartinIf it weren’t for the dangers to Americans that they pose all the “Justice For Trayvon” crap we’ve had to put up with for months would be comical due to what such things say about those involved and the gross stupidity of their claims and desires.

They scream, rant, moan, whine, and threaten riots and murder over the incident. Yet Trayvon got justice. It was delivered unto him by George Zimmerman’s pistol.

Trayvon was a young, Black man – no, it’s “racially insensitive” and demeaning to think or say a 17 year-old Black male is still a child – from a broken home who had already been suspended from school multiple times, who was sent to stay with his estranged father and his father’s new fiance in Sanford, FL due to his quite normal behavioral issues.

Sadly, for Trayvon, his walking in the dark and rain dressed in concealing clothing made him look very much like the criminals that had been plaguing the community. This drew the attention of neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman.

It’s a fact that Zimmerman accosted Martin. It’s a very strong probability that Zimmerman was offensive, abusive. and confrontational while doing so. It was, however, Trayvon who chose to, not only continue the altercation after Zimmerman began to walk way, but escalate the encounter to physical violence.

With all the angst, confusion, and confidence of youth Trayvon decide to beat down the “creepy Cracker” who’d offended him, relying on his youth, greater speed, strength, and general ferocity to carry the night…and he was almost correct. Trayvon beat the living tar out George Zimmerman and taught him the meaning of existential fear. It was only almost though. Trayvon made some sort of mistake or Zimmerman got lucky; either way Zimmerman managed to draw the 9mm pistol that he hadn’t drawn before and shot Martin dead on the spot.

And that, dear readers, is justice. It is the rough and bloody-fanged justice untempered by mercy that life delivers upon the foolish and brash.

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