It's About Protest Season

It's About Protest Season - Better Get The Chains On
It’s About Protest Season – Better Get The Chains On

Remember, Gentlemen, the weather is warming up; so, it’s just about protest season. Better get chains like these on your tires in order to deal with our domestic enemies when they get in your way by illegally blocking our roadways with their “civil disruptions” and “direct actions.”

And, I fairly sure that American car washes will either comp you or give you a big discount on getting your ride clean of their blood and viscera. 😉


If you can’t tell – and I’m fairly sure there are a bunch of Dems and likely Dems that can’t – the above was sarcasm. I would never, ever suggest, advocate, or imply that Americans should mount this sort of anti-protest tire chains and run any of the vermin violently and illegally clogging our roadway in support of any of the anti-American groups or individuals out there, e.g., Hamas, #BlackLivesMatter, and/or various Trannies and Queers. It would tear up the roads and that’s both wrong and counterproductive!

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My View On Hamas Protestors

Remember, as Israel is still defending itself from the Muslims, the filth in America who support Hamas and Hezbollah aren’t done with their “Direct Actions” and “Civil Disruptions.” They’re just taking the normal Winter break from their terrorism. All it will take is either the media stirring them up or the return of more clement weather for them to be back on the attack. As such, here’s my preferred view of them:

Pro-Hamas Target
My View On Hamas Protestors

The above is my preferred view of them. And yes, my favorite of such views is any of their young females. It sends a stronger message to the vermin.

Sniper Roost
My Seat To Watch From

And this is my preferred point of view. Secure, anonymous, and comfortable. Also, and equally importantly, it’s removed from the point of contact. That allows me to maintain my own detachment from the act of bringing justice to these terrorists. Getting up close and personal would tempt me too much to give in to my own issues and have fun with it. 😉

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Surrender My Guns?

Surrender My Guns? Not while one single Democrat or Likely Democrat still lives and walks free
Surrender My Guns?

Exactly! The primary reason for the Second Amendment has always been so that we, the People could forcibly remove and enact reprisals upon any politician who acted in such a heinous manner as to shock the conscience of right-thinking Americans.

And lets face it; with Democrats already wanting para-birth abortions and the subsequent extermination of any babies that survive such atrocities, what would they feel safe doing if we were disarmed?

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Justice Kavanaugh

Justice Kavanaugh
Justice Kavanaugh!

Yes! This piece of the Dems’ shithole freakshow is over.  On Saturday, October 6, 2018 the Senate Republicans finally ended the Left’s passion play and confirmed Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the 114th Supreme Court Justice, thereby providing many decades during which the proper place of the Constitution can and will be restored.

The Senate Dems led their slavering horde of Feminazis and insane Millennial Snowflakes onto the tracks – or were goaded onto them by that rabid mob – but failed to derail the train coming down those tracks. Not, mind you, that they ever could have stopped Kavanaugh’s confirmation irrespective of how vicious, mendacious, and low their tactics were. The Kavanaugh train was always going to pull into the station and what delay in this our domestic enemies caused was only through the charity showed them by Senate Republicans.

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Making A Statement

The ever-angry Blacks and those ethnoguiltists who pander to- and enable their misbehavior will tell you – quite stridently in some cases – that the NFL players who’ve refused to stand for America’s national anthem and/or who have started using gang / terrorist symbology on the playing field are making a statement.

Making A StatementMaking A Statement

Of course, these same ever-angry Blacks and ethnoguiltists are angry that Americans, most importantly and especially the large subset of Americans who’ve enjoyed and patronized the NFL, are also making a statement…by not attending games, by not watching the games on TV, and getting rid of- and/or not purchasing NFL merchandise.

Taking A Knee In PrayerSome Are Rightfully Taking A Knee

But, of course, not all messages were created equal. The message, mostly due to the Blacks’ chosen means of sending of sending it, being sent by the NFL players was rejected by the American people, whereas the message we sent is having a noticeable effect. Both the NFL and their sponsors are taking a knee in supplication, propitiating we, the People to withhold our wrath.

That’s the nature of statements. Some are worth making and others aren’t. Some ways of making a statement lead to a positive result and some lead to destruction.

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