Progressive Remembrance

The Liberals' and Progressives' view on remembering 9/11

Yes! This is exactly how America’s domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives, feel about remembering the tragedy of the Muslims’ terrorist attack of 9/11. Nor are they shy about sharing their anti-American views.

Of course, this shouldn’t be surprising. These sorts blamed America from the moment that it happened. Indeed, their first only thought wasn’t for our dead; it was fear for what might happen to our nation’s enemy.

So please remember two things: the tragedy our nation suffered at the hands of the Muslims; and the fact that these Liberals and Progressives and their kin are valid, high priority targets for retribution and reprisal.

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Go Kill Them Cops!

Al Sharpton, one of aging silverbacks of the Black Angst Industry, is currently shucking and jiving in the hopes of keeping his chickens from coming home to roost.

Filthy, jabbering nigger shouldn't allowed an opinion
Go Kill Them Cops, My Bruthas!

The grifting thug-in-a-suit is jabbering to any and all who will give him the hand-out of listening that he is and was against Black violence being turned upon law enforcement personnel.

We have stressed at every rally and march that anyone engaged in any violence is an enemy to the pursuit of justice for Eric Garner and Michael Brown. We have been criticized at National Action Network for not allowing rhetoric or chanting of violence and would abruptly denounce it at all of our gatherings.

And yet, despite this dumb buck’s claims, his misborn bruthas and sistas – all part of his filthy “Million Marchers” were in NYC chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now!

Then, when dealing with something like Sharpton, people have to expect lies and a refusal to accept any form of responsibility.

Frankly though, I don’t know why this guttermonkey even bothers with his attempts to tap dance away from his responsibility for officers Ramos’ and Liu’ assassination by one of his bruthas. It’s not as if either Obama or Holder, being no different from- or better than Sharpton, would ever do anything against him.

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The Unaccountable Ones

The idea that people’s rulers should be served and given leave to rule is ancient. It’s even biblical.

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

Hebrews 13:17, the Bible( KJV)

But what if, as Americans have found in these latter, lesser days, our titular leaders are neither held accountable nor feel in any way that they are so or should even be so? What now? Should we obey them and/or submit ourselves to them and their agendas when it has become clear that they: do not watch for our souls; do not believe that they must give account to either us or the God(s); and do not, in the case of 53% of us, care what is unprofitable for us?

Obama - I Am God

Some would say that we, the People should pray for these would-be rulers of our land.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

1 Timothy 2:1-2, the Bible( KJV)

Others would say that a quiet and peaceable life is not worth the cost in godliness and honesty that must accrue – a black debt upon our souls – by lending even spiritual aid and comfort to those who have reneged upon and defiled the covenant they were sworn to abide by. These too, however, often believe in prayer as the solution, though I find this lacking and vaguely theologically offensive.

Personally, I cannot help but belief that, upon our respective deaths, we shall go before our God(s) for judgement and they will task us sorely for not taking it upon our own heads and hands to deal with these unaccountable ones.

No! We must hold these would-be tyrants accountable for this failures and malicious misdeeds. The only questions of merit are what forms and within what limits, if any at all, our reprisals should take.

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