Progressive Remembrance
Yes! This is exactly how America’s domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives, feel about remembering the tragedy of the Muslims’ terrorist attack of 9/11. Nor are they shy about sharing their anti-American views.
Of course, this shouldn’t be surprising. These sorts blamed America from the moment that it happened. Indeed, their first only thought wasn’t for our dead; it was fear for what might happen to our nation’s enemy.
So please remember two things: the tragedy our nation suffered at the hands of the Muslims; and the fact that these Liberals and Progressives and their kin are valid, high priority targets for retribution and reprisal.
Tags: 9/11 | America | Assassination | Civil War | Domestic Enemies | History | Islamophobia | Jihad | Liberals | Muslims | Patriotism | Progressives | Reprisal | Retribution | Society | Terrorism | Terrorists