Insane Tranny Violence

Insane Tranny Violence
Insane Tranny Violence

And no, I’m not writing about the actual and quite dangerous mental illness, the abuse-related mental damage, or the borderline paraphilia either suffered or presented by transsexuals. I’m writing about this idiot bint from Berkely, Khiara Bridges’ mad claims that denying that men can get pregnant is committing violence against trans people.

That is true madness and Bridges’ statement make it clear that she presents a clear and present danger to society and should be treated exactly as any other insane person who does so.

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Armed And Unstable

Armed And Unstable
Armed And Unstable

It’s extremely ironic – hypocritical too, if Biden is even aware of his own dementia – that Creepy Uncle Joe is blathering and ranting about keeping firearms out of the hands of the “Mentally Unstable.” 🙄 In theory, this dangerously senile dodderer has the nuclear arsenal of the US at his palsied, liver-spotted fingertips.

Remember, this is the same mush-brained remains of a man who went totally off script and essentially called for a Christian holy war against Russia.

On the bright-ish side, I’m fairly sure that the “Deep State” has taken measures to remove First Strike Capacity from Biden, much like they probably did to President Trump and Obama.

So Easy, So Commonsensical, So Proven To Be Prone To Evil

Give Mr. Bad Hands and his handlers some credit. Arguing to take firearms away from and keep them away from the mentally unstable is seriously easy to say, easy to believe in, and a normative pillar of “common sense gun control.” Who in their right mind would argue against it?

Who in their right mind would argue against it? Anyone with a knowledge and understanding of history.

Across a large swaths of the world, including to our shame America, psychiatry and the declaring of individuals as mentally unstable and unfit has a long and pernicious history of being weaponized and used as a means of tyranny. There is no reason, if the opportunity is presented, for that not to happen here again.

Indeed, it has happened here in the US as recently as 2009, when many veterans returning from Iraq and/or Afghanistan were forced to preemptively and prophylactically present evidence to the Obama Regime’s satisfaction that they were mentally stable enough to resist “right-wing extremism” or have their right to keep arms stripped from them.

They Can’t Build It And They Can’t Make It Better

But – or also, depending on how you want to approach this – there is neither the capacity nor the will to make anything close to unified registry or repository of mental health Diagnoses across the Several-States. Hence, even if someone was declared mentally unfit, they’d only have to change the state in which they purchased a firearm and/or resided to avoid that prohibition.


So, Biden’s statement is easy to say, but his doing so just another example of his mental incompetence and the mental instability of those who agree with it.

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I Identify As…

I Identify As...
I Identify As…

Yeah, why not? Being trans-slender makes as much sense and show no less sanity than being transsexual or trans-racial. So, I say to go for it. Science, sanity, and reality be damned; your identity is entirely up to you.

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Incredibly Bad For Biden

Things Look Incredibly Bad For Biden

Things look incredibly bad for Biden (Pun very much intended) in that he’s got what should be an insurmountable credibility problem due to his raging mental incompetence and his own and his handlers’ stupidity. It’s reached such a climactic nadir that even the Democrats’ own Lamestream Media is reporting upon, if woefully.

Yeah, when NBC’s Chuck Todd laments the words and actions of a Democrat “POTUS” and MSM enhances that signal, that’s incredibly bad. I’m nigh on incredulous of how incredibly bad Biden’s credibility must be considered for this to have happened. 😆

“Well, look, I think he’s got a pretty big credibility crisis on his hands,” Todd said on NBC’s “Sunday Today.” “Because all of these problems, in some ways, showed up after he said something basically the exact opposite.”

Todd, who is also NBC News’s political director, mentioned the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, which he noted Biden told Americans would not be “messy” and would not look like Saigon in 1976.

On coronavirus vaccine boosters, Biden “came out and essentially indicated eight months, maybe as soon as six months … now, we’re not sure if anyone under 65 is going to get a booster shot,” Todd continued.

And on the border, where thousands of migrants are camped out in squalid conditions under a bridge in Texas, Todd said it has become “pretty clear we have a bigger problem now than we’ve had in years, and these policies have turned into becoming a magnet.”

And the sad part is that Todd is right. Everything major that has been happening since the Democrats installed Creepy Uncle Joe in the White House has been something Biden said absolutely wouldn’t happen. I’m pretty sure that he hasn’t been right once!

So, that’s incredibly bad for Biden and those who are running his “Presidency.”

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The March Of Progressives

The March Of Progressives

With equal parts sarcastic hilarity and sadness, this sums up seeing the various breeds of Liberals, Progressives, Leftists, and “Woke” sorts’ constant march towards their vision of utopia. All they’re ever doing is plodding in a circle and digging a trench of repeated failure.

It is rather a, if not the definition of insanity; to do the same thing time and time again, expecting to get a different result. And that is what these “Progressive” sorts are and have been doing. At most/worst they try either variations on a theme or, having reached yet another failure point, they’ve expanded their criteria for either victimhood or oppression.

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