Boy Who Cried Trump

Jussie Smollett - The Boy Who Cried Trump - Just another angry fringe dweller grifting.
Jussie Smollett – The Boy Who Cried Trump

Oh yes! Smollett will likely go down in history as The Boy – or would that be boi, given that’s he’s a queer? – Who cried Trump due it being incredibly likely that he faked a “hate crime” being perpetrated upon himself by Trump Supporters.

Face it, when even CNN lambasts both Smollett’s claims of White men attacking him for being a Black and a Queer and the Democrats who jumped to issue sweeping condemnations of President Trump and all who support him, he’s done. And he should be done because he was the one committing a “hate crime” of national significance.

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As Should Be Expected…

South Carolina State FlagAs should be expected, I’m weighing in upon the killing of 9 Blacks and wounding of another in Charleston, SC’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church – often called by Blacks, “Mother Emanuel” – by Dylann Roof. As should also be expected by any and all who are familiar with me or Reflections From A Murky Pond, my take on the matter will follow the mainstream.

This is simply because something like Dylann Roof’s assault upon “Mother Emanuel” should have been expected to happen. Decades of law after law being enacted to demand preferential treatment for people having a “Protected Trait”; years and years of the Lamestream Media promulgating the thought that all Whites are both racists and somehow debtors to the “Black Community”; and the constant excuses made for the innumerable Blacks who riots and loot whenever they feel like guaranteed some sort of reprisal-based action would be committed by someone in America sometime. Obama’s and his boy, Holder’s consistent exacerbation of these things just accelerated things and brought the timeline forward.

Does this mean that I approve of- or condone Dylann Roof’s actions? No. In my opinion they were stupid and counterproductive. He killed 9 people for no good purpose and accomplished nothing by doing so that aids America in protecting herself.

Does this mean that I excuse his actions? No. I do understand his motivation and I do see a growing problem that is very much akin to the problem that Roof perceived. Yet, like all things, understanding does not necessarily provide excuse, since failure is failure and sinking into rage is rarely, if ever, excusable.

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Holder’s Hateful Knockout

US Attorney General Eric HolderUp until now the Obama Regime’s most active and overt racist, Attorney General Eric “My People” Holder has remained utterly silent upon the predominantly Black criminal phenomenon of the Knockout Game. As long as it stayed mostly a Black on White thing they were more than happy to keep out of it and not bother to charge any of the captured thugs with federal hate crimes.

That has now finally changed. There’s actually been a case of a White thug playing the Knockout Game by assaulting an elderly Black man.

Of course, in what passes for the racism plagued psyche of Eric Holder, this is a hate crime and the the Justice Department is stepping right in to make a point.

The Justice Department said it filed a criminal complaint against 27-year-old Conrad Alvin Barrett on Tuesday and arrested him on Thursday. According to Justice officials, Mr. Barrett recorded himself on his cellphone attacking the 79-year-old man, laughing and saying “Knockout” as he runs away.

The charge marks the first time the administration has taken action on a “knockout” case after the game became an Internet and media phenomenon. It chose a case in which the person accused is white, even though most other cases reported in the news have involved black assailants.

Yet this is to be expected from the most active and overt racist within the Obama Regime. Of course the boy would only declare it a federal hate crime when it was White on Black. To thugs like Holder hate crimes can only be White on Black or Brown, never Black on anything.

A ghetto thug is a ghetto thug, whether it’s in a hoodie or dressed up in a suit. America’s laws were meant to control them, not be controlled by them. Holder certainly belongs more properly behind bars or hanging from a tree than he does in the DOJ or any other facet of civil society.

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A Queer Turn Of Events

Floyd Corkins - Fat, ugly, anti-Christian, anti-American, violent queetIn a queer turn of events 28 year-old Floyd Corkins, the fat, ugly faggot or pro-queer, anti-Christian, anti-American, terrorist wannabe attacked the HQ of the Family Research Council (FRC), shooting and wounding the security guard who prevented this filth’s murderous rampage.

Not that this is in the least surprising. The steadily growing trend of Liberal violence made this outrage an inevitability.

It was only a matter of time before the queers and their enablers resorted to violence against Americans, especially Christian Americans. They’re hate-filled and mendacious propaganda and the Lamestream media’s complicity in spreading it guaranteed that Corkins would act out as he did and that he’ll be only the first queer to do so.

Nor is it in the least bit surprising how the Lamestream media has (mis)handled this hate crime and terrorist assault. It doesn’t sit well with their sensibilities or fit their agenda to fairly and impartially report an incident such as this. It does, however, fit their agenda to misreport it in an egregious a manner as they think that they can get away with.

Be absolutely assured though that, if the tables were turned – and I hope and pray that they are and soon – and it a queer group or one of the Godless lawfare groups were attacked, the media would be gleeful in its attempts to attack any and all American or Christian groups for their “hateful rhetoric.”

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He’s Entitled

As all moral, educated, and sane Americans know, Social Justice is just a code phrase for stealing from Whites in order to give to non-Whites, most often Blacks. No matter what innocuous words it’s couched in, in practice, theft is all that it is – race-based theft, ergo a hate crime.

Gimme Yo Shit, Whitey
Gimme Yo Shit! I’m Entitled To It!

It’s also important to understand what the hate-crime of “Social Justice” is predicated upon. That is, simply put, collective punishment for “crimes” committed generations ago upon those of some distant ancestral past of those demanding the punishment.

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