Hillary’s Nice Response

Hillary would blame truck makers for Muslim terrorismHillary’s Nice Response

Given that Hillary has already called for lawsuits against firearms and ammunition manufacturers for how individuals chose to use their products, her response to the Muslim terrorist attack in Nice, France would probably be to call for truck manufacturers to be sued.

And she’d probably also declaim that kafir needed to accept and atone for their privilege and listen more to the complaints of the jihadis. 😯


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉 Your vote counts, whether it’s cast at the polls or from the rooftops.

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Paris vs. San Bernardino

Not only is the difference in the Liberals’ and Progressives’ blatantly obvious, their rationale and motives for that difference is very, very simple. In their minds America deserves to be attacked whereas France doesn’t.

France vs. USParis vs. San Bernardino

To Liberals and Progressives the only enemy is White Christians and Jews. No attack against them is a crime; if perpetrated by a Non-White or Non-Christian upon a White Christian, they consider it just reprisal. Everything else beyond that is rooted in this ideology and is an attempt by the Liberals and Progressives to take punitive action against White Christians and Jews.

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Obama Ne est Pas Charlie

It seems a lot of people are both confused and offended by Obama’s refusal to go to the Unity March in Paris and to send any official of note – not even his boy, Holder, who was already in Paris – to do so in his stead.

Obama Defends Muslim Outrage
Obama Ne est Pas Charlie

Both the confusion and the outrage seem either misplaced or manufactured to me. Why would anyone expect or think it even marginally appropriate to have the person who said to the world, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” in response to the Muslim’s Benghazi massacre attend a unity march in solidarity against those who completed agreed with his words and ensured that the future did not belong to the Charlie Hebdo staff?

Frankly, I could think of no greater farce and no greater dishonor than allowing Obama or any of his regime to attend such an event.

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If France Were Jewish

A Two-State Solution For France
If France Were Jewish…

Face facts; If France were a Jewish nation, Liberals and Progressives would be saying that the Muslims’ massacre of the Charlie Hebdo staff, combined with the recent Muslim riots and looting, shows that France must be divided into two states – one Muslim, one otherwise.

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MSM: #RespectForIslam

MSM - Respect For Islam
MSM Wants #RespectForIslam

The MSM is made up of two sorts of what must be generously labeled as people. There are the oikophobes who fear, loath, and hate anything that part of long-standing Western culture; and then there are the cowards who believe in little or nothing and will only “speak truth to power” when there’s no credible risk to themselves by doing so.

Muslims know this and repeatedly and consistently take advantage of it. The Muslim vermin’s slaughter of the staff of Charlie Hebdo was as much a calculated reinforcement of the MSM’s fear of them as it was another expected paroxysm of feral savagery by the the cultist of the Pedophile Prophet.

Frankly, the only way to intervene in this is for people to make the MSM more afraid of us than they are the ragheads, just as the only way to force the “moderate” Muslims to apply something akin to substance to their supposed disavowal of their radicals is make them more terrified of us then they are of the jihadis.

Also, I utterly, completely, and unequivocally reject the entire concept of showing any form of #RespectForIslam or its filthy adherents beyond respecting the damage that they are capable of so as not to discount the threat each and every one of them may pose to Man.

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