Obama’s Singular Truth

As all Americans – and even a large number of Liberals, though essentially NO Blacks – know, Obama is a pathological liar unable to speak the unadulterated truth except in the rarest and most unintentional of instances.

To-date Obama’s singular truth has been one of those rare, unintentional instances. It was when Obama said that energy prices would “necessarily skyrocket” under his regime.

Obama filling station in Detroit, MI
Obama Gas Station In Detroit, MI

Even this wasn’t a totally unadulterated truth. Obama didn’t manage to get all of his energy agenda enacted. Yet, even so, fuel and electricity costs have risen under his regime, largely due to his and his coterie’s incessant attacks upon the energy sector.

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Energy Then And Now

Once, America was an energy powerhouse. Coal, oil, natural gas, hydroelectric power, and later, nuclear power generation brought reasonably priced energy to our people, spurring a lasting economic pace that reshaped and bettered the whole world. Then the Leftists emerged and systematically attacked all parts of the system and America’s energy resources were, one by one, made unnecessarily costly and difficult to bring to we, the People.

Energy Then And Now
Energy Then And Now

And just what do these jabbering Leftists have to replace America’s tried and true means of energy production? To-date all they have are drug-fueled fantasies and delusions stemming from the cognitive inability to differentiate between science-fiction and science-fact.

This is fact. Wind, solar, and geothermal power, along with the various alternative fuels are not ready for the market and none of them can survive as commercial concerns on their own merits. In many cases even extreme levels of government subsidies and tax breaks aren’t enough to ensure their commercial viability. Additionally, many of these means of harnessing energy by non-standard means have negative consequences that haven’t been nearly well enough researched or mitigated as of yet.

Of course, the Leftists, especially the Eco-Left elements, don’t care about that. If anything, they view these failings as positive things since their agenda is more about destroying America as it is and rebuilding it as something fundamentally different than about solving for America’s energy issues.

Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.

— Prof. Maurice King, MD,FRCP, FRCS
University of Leeds

That’s a large part of why they rejected Energy Independence in favor of Global Warming as a platform to work with in order to reach their goals. Their goals had and continue to have little or nothing to do with solving the energy / fuel situation.


NOTE: None of the above should be construed as my saying that new forms of energy production shouldn’t be researched or that our government shouldn’t help fund that research. I’m completely in favor of both research and government help with funding that research.

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Untrue But Not Unfair

As has been discussed here before, there’s little or truth in any statement blaming a POTUS for high fuel prices or handing them credit for lowering fuel prices. No President has as any real power to affect such prices in the short-term.

That being said, it’s not truly unfair to chastise Obama over this issue because he has repeatedly “no quite called for” exactly a drastic rise in fuel prices in order to make it seem that he wanted to make the Liberals’ dream of “green energy” a reality, however Dystopian.

It's Here - Obama's promised skyrocketing fuel prices
As Obama “Promised,” Skyrocketing Fuel Prices Are Here

H/T to Soylent Green for the image.

Words have consequences and throughout the boy’s 2008 presidential election campaign Obama made statements endorsing a massive, though gradual, rise in fuel prices. So too does the choice of whom one surrounds themselves with have consequences and Obama appointed Steven Chu as his regime’s Secretary of Energy – a man who has been quite open about his desire to spike US energy cost up to European levels in order to make “green energy” commercially viable.

Given the above, while it’s untrue that Obama has raised or failed to lower gasoline and other fuel prices, it’s not unfair to chide him over them since their what he seemed to want his base to believe that he wanted. It’s a case of “Beware what you wish for,” especially if you wish out loud on an open microphone.

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A Green Economy

Ah yes, A Green Economy – the goal of the Warmists. Let us for a moment consider what this Green Economy might look like for the people of Civilized World. Be warned though, it’s not a pretty picture.

A Green Economy
People Striving To Live In A Green Economy

It’d likely look a lot like Berlin immediately after WW2, a shattered ruin of a once rich and vibrant economy with men, women, and children despondently shambling around in despair of ever making ends meet.

Yes, this wasteland is what a Post-Warmist Green Economy would most likely look like to the people of the Civilized World if the doomsday cult of Global Warming / Climate Change / Climate Chaos / Climate Uncertainty were ever allowed to enforce their dogma and junk science upon society.

There’s nothing else and no better outcome that can be expected if they’re allowed to:

  • Destroy the current fossil fuel-based energy sector;
  • Price automobiles out of reach for most people and small businesses;
  • Drive up costs for all products and services;
  • Drastically increase taxes on businesses and families;
  • Wipe out whole sections of the job market;
  • Redistribute the wealth of the Civilized World to “developing” nations.

Fortunately for the Civilized World, this seems more and more unlikely of an outcome as time goes by. Yet unlikely does not mean impossible, so each and every man and woman must stay ready to defend ourselves and our children’s birthright by any and all means necessary – even if those means might make our gentler fellows squeamish.

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Tragic Comedy

In the morality play that is the theater provided humanity by the Liberals and Progressives constant moralistic rantings and ravings it is the act that is their preaching about the evils of fossil fuel powered vehicles that is the most comic.

Burning Fossil Fuels Is A Sin
Burning Fossil Fuels Is A Sin

But these self-righteous, ever-moralizing these eco-Leftists have baptized themselves in the “greenwash” and cannot see beyond themselves because to do so would tragically end their misplaced feelings of self-worth.

The only true tragedy is that Americans have continued to allow these fools to have any sort of voice in shaping the course of America. The comedy is self-evident.

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