Tulsi Gabbard Redacted

Tulsi Gabbard Redacted
Tulsi Gabbard Redacted

Despite meeting the current at the time requirements for being included in the next Democrat Primary Debate, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI 2nd ) has been forbidden to attend, the DNC having decided to change the criteria after Super Tuesday so as to exclude her. This, of course, is more than a little likely to come as a surprise to many who didn’t know that Gabbard was still in the race, which is, in and of itself, not shocking since the Democrat “Leadership” and their pet media has essentially redacted Tulsi Gabbard’s entire campaign.

Revenge Is A Bitch

What seems to have happened is that Gabbard found out the hard way that revenge is a bitch, a bitch named Hillary Clinton, the de facto ruler of the Democrat party at this time. After all, in the early parts of the race to see which Democrat would run against- and likely lose to President Trump, Gabbard was trending quite well. Then, Hillary Clinton proclaimed that Gabbard was a “Russian Asset.” At that point, both her DNC and the ever-dutiful Lamestream media not only turned their collective backs upon Gabbard but actively shut her out and went silent on her and her campaign.

That’s what happens when you go against Hillary, as many have discovered to their pain. And Tulsi Gafford very much did go straight up against Hillary Clinton while Clinton and her DNC were securing her 2016 Nomination.

Tulsi Gabbard had been a Vice Chair in the DNC, but she quit to support Bernie Sanders during the debacle that was the 2016 Democrat Primary “race.” That’s the exact sort of thing that Hillary remembers and gets revenge for.

Heretics Must Burn

Gabbard sin, beyond earning Hillary’s ire, was that she was and is a heretic. She has shown insufficient orthodoxy and compliance with the Dems’ dogma of impeaching President Trump via any means at their disposal.

Yeah, the heads of the Democrat party and their media didn’t much more than that to cast out Gabbard. They’re not the sort that tolerates such heresy.

Why It Sort Of Matters

As an American, the only reasons that the redaction of Tulsi Gabbard matters are that she was the most potentially dangerously Democrat candidate and she’s been removed and that the DNC’s and Lamestream Media’s doing so is a nadir of hypocrisy that bears mention.

So yes, I’m quite pleased that the organization running the elections for our domestic enemies chose to “erase” the candidacy of the one person on their side that I thought could be a credible threat. However …

Tulsi Gabbard should have, the Democrats’ own oft-ranted criteria, received far different and better treatment by them, especially at this time.

  • Gabbard is a woman. The last woman in the Dems’ primary race
  • Gabbard is a “Person of Color” by Dem standards. Again, the last one in the Dems’ primary race
  • Gabbard is a Hindu. She is, in fact, the 1st Hindu Presidential candidate

Yeah, if the Democrats were even a little close in their own behavior to what they claim to want everyone to do and believe, they probably wouldn’t have redacted Gabbard’s campaign and they certainly wouldn’t have cut her out of the remaining debates.

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Democracy Under Threat

Democracy Under Threat
Democracy Under Threat

Is Democracy under threat? Yes, I’d say that we Americans’ democracy is currently under existential threat, but it’s not from President Trump, the GOP, or we Deplorables, the so-called dregs of society. No, the true and heinous threat to American’s democracy comes from Democrat politicians and their reliance upon Leftwing and Minority mobs and the Deep State to enact their will and vision upon the American people.

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It’s all too easy for Americans to mock, malign, lambast, lampoon, and otherwise ridicule the Liberals and Progressives as the protest, riot, and either scurry around in attempt to circumvent democracy or just cry, twitch, and shake in their “safe spaces.” Truly, it just too easy to do so. They do, after all. deserve such treatment by Americans. Sadly however, it is too easy and, as such, it’s but a passing pleasure that soon grows stale.


Especially interesting and of note are those losers who have embraced the #NotMyPresident twitter hashtagery and its real world pseudo-equivalent. They at least, if you look at it in a certain way, have something akin to a point. Mr. Trump isn’t and hopefully to my mind will never be their President. The Gods willing, he is and will remain our President.

And why not? For eight years – and it’s not quite over yet – the American people have been saddled with Obama, who very much wasn’t and isn’t our President. From the miscegenation of his first campaign to be the Democrats’ nominee for POTUS to this very day, the vast bulk of his rhetoric has proven this sad fact. Almost everything Obama has ever said was actively against us or, at best, dismissive of us, our beliefs, and our long-held and cherished culture.

So no, Obama wasn’t our President and Trump won’t be their President. In this, if in almost nothing else, these puling Liberals have a point – a point a counsel each and every American to hammer home into their minds.

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Redress of Grievances

In keeping with a specific right that is enumerated in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution, let us join together and petition the government for a redress of grievances most pernicious and vile.

Keep Obama on the golf course

In order to protect America’s national security, foreign policy interests, economy, and the basic civil liberties of the American people we, the People petition the Executive to do everything in its power to keep Obama on vacation and away from the halls of power.

Please ensure that Obama finishes his term as POTUS in a state of semi-retirement so as to minimize his negative effects upon both America’s national security and domestic tranquility

Please sign this White House Petition and share it with your fellow Americans. Let us send a message to the Obama Regime and its subjects.

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Terminating Sebelius

In the wake of the abject failure of Obama’s signature and singular “achievement,” ObamaCare there have been many calls for the termination of the person most responsible for this abomination, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. After all, she was the one that was given authority over- and responsibility for the roll-out of ObamaCare’s insurance exchange web application’s deployment and it was on her watch that it utterly failed, leaving American legally bound to purchase health insurance but unable to do so through the federally mandated mechanism that was put in place to allow for that.

Sebelius’ response to these calls for her termination are, in concept, just what any American would expect from a key member of the Obama Regime. They are, however, far more arrogant and honest than is the rule for those people.

The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don’t work for and who do not want this program to work in the first place.

— HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius

That’s right! According to Sebelius she doesn’t work for the American people if they’re Republicans and, despite the plethora of anecdotal evidence to the contrary, it’s mostly, if not solely, the Republicans who are calling for her removal.

To all you various Liberals who’ve called for the removal of Sebelius over her failure to manage the implementation of Obama’s signature piece of legislation – welcome to the GOP! 😆

Of course this is coming from the worthless, irresponsible, arrogant, and autocratic bitch that told Congress that she’d testify before them about her failure only when and if she could fit them into her schedule, so allowances have to be apparently be made for her attitude and behavior.

Personally, I think that creatures like Sebelius are beyond salvaging and can’t learn proper behavior. You just can’t convince them that being a public servant means serving we, the People. Hence, her termination is the only proper course of action. In the case of Sebelius, however, it may become right and necessary to terminate her with extreme prejudice.

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