They Have Special Needs

No, no! To the best of my knowledge, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez never said this or anything materially similar to it. She has, however, said things equally as stupid. Indeed, her entire political position – as she presents it in her quest for a paycheck – is that ignorant, stupid, and mentally retarded. Hellfire! The mere fact that I have to make this disclaimer so that people know the image is sarcasm shows how insane, stupid, and mentally impaired Ocasio-Cortez and her constituency are.
Still, there’s no informed or sane denial that the likely voters for creatures like Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, or other Socialist have “special needs.” Be they middle-aged failures blaming everyone but themselves for the lot or the mentally ill Millennial Snowflakes looking to not experience work or failure, are suffering from extreme, chronic mental retardation.
Tags: 2018 Elections | America | Democrats | Idiocracy | Idiots | Leftards | Leftists | Liberals | Libtards | Mental Illness | Mental Retardation | Millennials | Ocasio-Cortez | Politics | Progessives | Snowflakes | Socialists | Stupidity