Instilling Fear

In any society that hopes to maintain its liberty and avoid tyranny it is necessary for its people to instill fear in its political leadership. In best case scenarios this needs only be the fear of the consequences of misbehavior. In other all too common situations it is necessary to fill the politicians with the fear of reprisals by the people.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

– Attributed to Thomas Jefferson

America is at a point where it is dealing with a middle case scenario where politicians need to be instilled with a combination of preventative and punitive fears.

Instilling Fear In DC
An Honest Man With A Higher Purpose Is Terrifying To Some

Fortunately, Americans have exercised some of the means at their disposal to instill the needed fear in the political elite. They banded together as the TEA Parties and elected representatives to Congress who were of strong purpose and character.

In the degenerate system that America’s federal government has devolved into, honest and patriotic men an women who have chosen to shoulder the burden of providing correction to that system and who are willing to disregard the personal cost to themselves for doing so are an acute source of fear for all the professional politicians who are heavily invested, often literally, in maintaining the current broken status quo.

Nothing scares professional politicians more than actual statesmen, and nothing scares the Liberals and Progressives more than American statesmen, even though they whine and rant when their own sort don’t behave similarly.

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Controlling The Message

The wise man knows that, if you’re at the bottom of a hole and want to get out of it the first thing that you do is stop digging. Of course wisdom can come through experience and accountability, neither of which apply to Obama who has little or none of the former and who has never been subject to the latter.

Obama cares only about continuing to avoid being held accountable for his words and deeds and prefers to spin things so as to make such wisdom and those charitable enough to provide it to him the villains.

Stop Digging, You Piece of Filth
Obama – Hysterically “Spinning” Around

Not, of course, that Obama would ever say such things himself. He and his handlers have proxies for that so that they can even avoid accountability for even that and they use them in their attempt to “control the message”

Hmmm…Who’s the only one who threatened to withhold SSI checks if he didn’t get his way? Then, he did throw his own grandmother under a bus during his ’08 campaign.

Fortunately for Americans, fewer and fewer believe his lies, half-truths, obfuscations, and empty rhetoric. As is always the case in America, shucking and jiving will only get one so far; sooner or later one has to face the music and the lash or the proverbial noose.

Equally as fortunate for Americans is the fact the our domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives no longer seem to believe Obama’s lies, half-truths, obfuscations, and empty rhetoric either. Their hatred for America and Americans is so virulent that they’re more likely to metaphorically string him him up than Americans are, all because he has failed to be the messianic dictator that they longed for.

It seems that Obama and his overseers never learned that controlling the message only works when you’ve got at least a minimum level of credibility based upon the contents of your character and a proven track record of actual results.

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The One Has Spoken

The Obama Messiah - A False prophet with delusions of worthObama, having finished with both his 50th birthday party / fundraising gala and it’s unavoidable physical consequences, decided once again to read from his teleprompter for the American people and his Liberals.  In it he tried to brush off Standard & Poor’s downgrading of the US government’s credit rating and to reassure everyone about the basic soundness of the American economy.

The One had spoken! S & P was wrong and everything was really fine. America’s government was entitled to a AAA rating; Warren Buffett even said so.

And the people listened. The Dow plunged a total of approximately 630 points and the NASDAQ lost 80 points by close of trading in the wake of Obama’s predictably arrogant and empty mouthings.

If the boy doesn’t have the honor to suicide or the decency to resign his office, he could, at a bare minimum, keep his jabbering mouth shut about any and all issues of substance.

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A Liberal Disconnect

Screaming LiberalThe Liberals and Progressives have stepped up their screaming of insults at and about Americans, especially the patriots of the TEA Party, and they’ve stepped up the hand wringing, whining, and moaning at and about Obama.

In their eyes Americans are “terrorists,” “extremists” and “hostage takers” and Obama is “weak,” “indecisive,” and a “turncoat.”

Essentially these domestic enemies hate Americans because Americans stood up for their principles and core values, did as they swore to do despite personal risk, and refused to gracefully capitulate on matters of national importance. Yet at the same time these Liberals and Progressives loath Obama for not doing so.

It’s all too easy to chalk it up to the normal and, by this point, dismissible Liberal hypocrisy. For the Leftists’ rank and file though this might be an erroneous conclusion.

While the people behind them and the politicians working for them are likely being cynically hypocritical, it’s quite possible that the Liberals’ myrmidons actually do have such a cognitive disconnect that they can’t even see the ridiculousness of their juxtaposed positions.

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The Physics Of Debt

Considering Obama’s supposed education, he’s been pretty pathetically ignorant to-date about all matters except running for political office. He was certainly ignorant of the basic laws of physics and in how they interact with all parts of life. This is rather odd given Harvard’s longstanding tradition of Natural Philosophy.

Fortunately for America, he has been schooled by the GOP…

Obama - A Resistible Object
Resistible Force Vs. Immovable Object

I’m fairly sure that the lesson was wasted on him though. Creature’s like Obama and his cultists rarely learn the lessons that they’re taught, choosing instead to twist things to fit their ideology and therefor reinforcing their own false teachings.

What was more important during the brouhaha over raising the debt ceiling was that the old guard, establishment, status quo members of the GOP were educated about who they served – and that they were nothing but our servants in the first place.

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