Take Out The Trash

It's Past Time To Take Out The Trash
It’s Past Time To Take Out The Trash

Yes, it is well past time to take out the trash. And, with trash like this, it’s not a landfill it belongs in. It belongs in an incinerator. There’s already too many vermin feeding off it as it is, and it’s drawing in 1000s more of them every single day at this point.

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Their Husbands

First Ladies On Their Husbands
First Ladies On Their Husbands

Three First Ladies on their husbands. 😆 Well, it would be if the Mooch and Jill were honest with the public.

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In Bad Company

Biden's In Bad Company
Biden’s In Bad Company

By normative standards, Biden is in bad company. Only him and some of the Western Hemisphere’s worst dictators have had their political opponent arrested or otherwise weaponized the courts system against them. But, to be heartlessly fair, neither Biden nor his supporters may consider this bad company. Chavez, Ortega, and Morales were, after all, Socialists and everybody knows you can’t enact socialism upon a nation without the use of force and fiat.

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A Presidential Lunch

Forgettios - A Presidential Lunch
Forgettios – A Presidential Lunch

Ah yes! Cambpell’s new, hopefully limited edition, Forgettios. The perfect to either spoon feed Biden are eat in hope of forgetting this senile freak. 😆

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Biden's Accomplishments

Biden's Accomplishments
Biden’s Accomplishments

The majority of people, both Americans and Democrats, don’t think that Creepy Uncle Joe and Co. have accomplished much of anything since he was installed into office. That thought, however, isn’t really fair at all. Biden’s accomplishments are broad in scope and far reaching in impact.

And, thing for Americans to remember is that, for the Left most of these are accomplishments. Biden has accomplished many key steps in the Democrats’ plan to reduce the power, wealth, and importance of America. Honestly, I’m fairly certain that the only reasons the Left isn’t more in open support of Biden are that he isn’t seen by them as aggressive, confrontational, and authoritarian enough; and that he didn’t actively aid Hamas after October 7, 2023.

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