… If You Want Me To Be

If You Want Me To Be

Dear Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Feminists, Queer and Trans Activists, and Blacktivists – Really! Just about all you who are likely Democrat voters,

  • I’ll be Deplorable… If you want me to be.
  • I’ll be Ignorant… If you want me to be.
  • I’ll be Selfish… If you want me to be.
  • I’ll be Racist… If you want me to be.
  • I’ll be Sexist and Misogynist… If you want me to be.
  • I’ll be Homophobic… If you want me to be.
  • I’ll be Transphobic… If you want me to be.
  • I’ll be Islamophobic… If you want me to be.
  • I’ll be Xenophobic… If you want me to be.
  • I’ll be a Fascist… If you want me to be.
  • I’ll even be a Nazi… If you want me to be and you buy me the uniform and paraphernalia. 😉

And, of course, I’m not being accommodating. Nor is this really just a paroxysm of sarcasm on my part, though it is heavily laced with sarcasm. I just accept that I’m going to “be” whatever your sort(s) decide that I am since you’ve developed, promulgated, and/or adopted such definitions of these terms that make it so that I am all of these things by your criteria.

A White American Man


And therein is the sad truth. Americans’ domestic enemies operate within a framework of narrative and lived experience, not facts, and they created their “Liberalexicon” accordingly. Hence, I and the rest of us are in their minds exactly whatever bad thing that believe us to be. They’re the scions of Humpty Dumpty and When they use a word, it means just what they choose it to mean—neither more nor less.

And, My Fellow Americans, remember that the majority of our people’s domestic enemies believe in these ever-broadening and ever-shifting definitions and, hence, truly believe that we are, each and every one of us, whatever “bad thing” that their specific hatred is pointed at any given moment. So they cannot be reasoned with since who could expect anyone to reason with or accept any argument from such deplorable people as they “know” us to be.

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The Deplorables

They're The DeplorablesHillary Clinton, while speaking a select group of wealthy queers in New York City last Friday, said that fully 50% of Donald Trump’s supporters were racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and/or islamaphobic. She bluntly and openly described them – a very conservatively estimated 22 million American voters – as a basket of deplorables i.e. as deserving of strong condemnation due to shock, fear, or disgust they engender.

Rather than choose to be offended by Hillary’s declaration, I decided to think about what she said objectively and to take into account the greater context of Hillary’s words, audience, and cultural history. Doing so has allowed me to realize that this is just another case where the Left confuses facts and truth.

The simple and sad fact is that, within the context of how Liberals, Progressives, and those who they enable and pander to have mis-defined various form of bigotry and expanded what they consider examples thereof, we are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and/or islamaphobic. Indeed, given their beliefs, it’s not just 50% of Donald Trump’s supporters who are so deplorable; it’s entirety of the White population of America who is so …or at least so their oikophobic ideology forces them to believe. Their only internal conflict is when an individual with one “protected trait” is perceived by them to have attacked another with a different “protected trait.” Then, suffer from hysterical paralysis until they can determine the hierarchy of victimology.

So what is truly deplorable and abhorrent to Americans is not what Hillary said. It is what her followers truly believe and that is deplorable indeed.

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Obama’s Otherness

One thing for all to remember about Obama is that judging by his words, deeds, and choice of those he surrounds himself with, is that he’s not American, not in his heart and soul. Or, at the very least, that is how he and his coterie have crafted his public image.

It may seem to be an odd course of action for someone who previously claimed to not accept partisan divisions and to hope for a unified America, but only if one was foolish and naive enough to believe anything that Obama says about his beliefs and goals.

One would also have to set aside the basic rules of realpolitik to find Obama’s “otherness,” real or portrayed with great skill, to be surprising. Divisiveness is far more effective as a political tactic than is “unifying” and Obama has always diligently and dutifully followed the rules of realpolitik.

One has to remember that this “otherness” of Obama is exactly what America’s domestic enemies, the oikophobic Liberals, love about him. It also lets them paint the American people as racist and xenophobic, which feeds their own preconceptions of America as a place of evil that must be brought low.

It’s fairly obvious that the upcoming 2012 elections are going to be a base vs. base war with, as happened in 2008, the “moderates” and “independents” split roughly down the middle. This means that Obama’s “otherness” is a useful political coin, but one that works to galvanize friend and enemy alike.

The question remains though of how long with the house that Obama’s Otherness divided continue to stand…

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By Their Fears Be Known

Zero Risk At Last Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt, often acronymized as FUD, is a marketing strategy used to mold, twist and control people’s perceptions through the use of strongly negative messages and doomsaying.

Use of FUD is a very common and successful tactic among activists and politicians.

They all, irrespective of agenda or ideology, use it because it works. It works because fear, uncertainty, and doubt are proven methods of pushing people to move in a certain direction or act in a certain manner, at least for a short time.

The very ubiquitousness of this means of social engineering makes it a solid metric for judging politicians and activists. What and/or whom do they wish us to fear? Who’s their chosen scapegoat? By the fears, uncertainties, and doubts that they sow we can know them.

Are the fears, uncertainties, and doubts they promulgate designed to brings us a people together to eradicate, combat, or defend against some foreign or outside threat, or are they designed to divide us by naming ourselves, our nation, and/or our very culture as the threat to be eradicated, combated, or defended against?

What is boils down to is are they peddling fear of others or fear of ourselves – “Us” or “Them?”

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