Most Men Love…

Most Men Love Women In Camouflage
Most Men Love Women In Camouflage

Now, of course, when I use the terms, “Most” and “All” I mean straight men, not the small minority of male, strict homosexuals or the poor bois who would be intimidated or even triggered by a woman in camo. Still, with that caveat in mind, and including bisexuals of both genders as well, most of love a woman in camo, but statistically we all love women with nice tits.

Ladies, Remember That “Nice” Covers A Lot Of Territory

That’s right, ladies! Not only do most men love a woman in camouflage – often for reasons that have exactly nothing to do with your body’s looks – our definition of “nice tits” is very, very broad and more than a little idiosyncratic – and situational!. Nor do we much or strongly care why we’re getting to view them. All we really care about is that we do get to do so. 😛

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Where’s The Love

On Wednesday, February 18, 2015, speaking at a dinner for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at the 21 Club in Manhattan, Rudy Giuliani spoke the blunt truth about Obama and his feelings towards America.

I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.  He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.

— Rudy Giuliani

This, of course, bothered and offended both Obama and the Liberals and Progressives who support and enable him. The White House, mirroring their foreign policy strategy, rapidly responded with a Twitter #hastag, #ObamaLovesAmerica.

The simple truth is that Giuliani’s right in his concerns. Obama doesn’t love America. Nobody who seeks to fundamentally transform something or someone loves it or them; and nobody who consistently denigrates something or someone loves it or them. And this has been the tenor, words, and deeds of Obama’s entire campaign and attempted reign.

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Beautiful Or Cynical?

This video of one of the most elaborate marriage proposals that I’ve ever seen showed up in my Facebook newsfeed a while ago. While I doubt, given its source and the seriously high production value, that it’s real, it struck me somewhat oddly.

Because of the way I think I’m forced to wonder, if this was a real proposal, is it perhaps the most beautiful and romantic proposal in recent public memory or an equally egregious case of one person cynically manipulating another for his own ends?

Since I know that my mind doesn’t work like most people’s, why don’t you readers tell me what you think of this proposal?

Was his proposal beautiful and romantic or cynically manipulative

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For the record – in case you couldn’t guess – I found it to be a cynically manipulative ploy because it forced the women to either accept the proposal or both a hugely public scene and basically tell her friends and family that she didn’t respect their opinions.

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Some Things Don’t Change

A soldier’s weapons and gear change, regularly being updated and improved to meet the needs of the ever-changing battlefield. Some things don’t change though; the reason why every soldier who chose to join the miltary being one of these constants.

For Love Of Country
For Love Of Country

By and large these men and women joined up for the simple reason of their love of their country. That’s the singular reason why they chose to write a blank check to their nation, payable upon their lives, their minds, and their very souls if needs be.

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Time Enough For Love

For good or ill I was exposed to a great deal of literature as a young child and encouraged to take full advantage of that privilege. Consequently, I became an avid reader starting at what most would consider a very young – I won’t, however, say “tender” – age.

It followed quite naturally that my reading greatly influenced my thoughts upon many things

While many, many books of varied sorts influenced my views on myriad topics, I truly believe that no single work influenced my thoughts on living more than Robert Heinlein’s Time Enough For Love.

Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein finishes his “Future History” as presented to world by his then-editor, John W. Campbell. In it we are given a cornucopia of other stories, as Lazarus Long, now some 2300 years old, is induced to reminisce about his life as part of a complex deal to preserve the ‘wisdom’ of the oldest man alive. Each of the stories that Lazarus relates are fairly complete by themselves, and many authors would have chosen to publish each of them separately so as to maximize his monetary returns.

Heinlein, being the author and the man that we was, chose to keep them all as one piece, as each story helped to illuminate his overriding theme, on just what is love in all of its myriad aspects and why it is so important to man’s survival as a species.

This is a book that I strongly and most emphatically recommend for everyone, though not, perhaps, for children as young as I was when I first read it as it contains much that I prepubescent child cannot viscerally understand. This does, however, present a problem as many of the “lessons” contained within this work are best learned as young as possible.

Many Christians will have issues with this work; of this I have no doubts. I would suggest trying to get past this as the work contains many ethical and behavioral lessons of great worth.

If you can bring yourself to do so, put the situational details aside and absorb the underlying context and message.

Go to your your library and check it out if they have it. If not, buy it. In any event, read it. Personally, I’d suggest buying it since I’ve been returning to it for nigh on 40 years and love it still. It’s the sort of book that becomes an old friend and teacher – one that you keep coming back to and finding new meaning, joy, and sorrow in.

Time Enough For Love also contains two “interludes” which comprise the 64-page The Notebooks of Lazarus Long (Kindle), which I believe is a useful addition to anyone’s traveling library in the same fashion that Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, Mushashi’s The Book of Five Rings, and Machiavelli’s The Prince are.

And yes, I know; it’s more than odd to include a work of fiction – science fiction at that! – alongside philosophical works such as I have done. Mr. Heinlein was that sort of man though. He, much like that radical rabbi from Nazareth, knew that parables teach far better than anything else.

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