We Been Wrong For Years

We Been Wrong For Years. They're Boobs, Not Horns
We Been Wrong For Years

Found in 1868 in the River Thames by Waterloo Bridge in London, England, the Waterloo Helmet has long been labeled as a Ceremonial / Ritual / Religious object. This has always been based on how the “horns” were useless and problematical in combat.

OK, any and every “find” that archeologists can’t immediately identify a use for has long been labeled as a Ceremonial / Ritual / Religious object. 😛

But now, after seeing the Waterloo Helmet in context, we can see that we were fundamentally wrong. Those aren’t horns; they’re boobs! It’s a repoussage, pre-Roman, bronze boob hat in the La Tène style. 😆

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Skeletor Knows Best

Skeletor Knows Best
Skeletor Knows Best

Bees? Trees? Seas? Titties!

I’m all for saving bees, planting trees, and cleaning the seas. But, before and beyond that, titties! Skeletor knows best this time. The time we spend on boobs, the less time we’ll spend messing up the world. 😉

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A Proper Martini

A Proper Martini Is Shaken, Not Stirred
A Proper Martini Is Shaken, Not Stirred

Lucky Eddie (Hamingju Játvarðr) may have been portrayed throughout the years as Hägar The Horrible’s rather stupid and bumbling sidekick, but he possessed and dispensed great wisdom. As is made clear above, a proper martini is shaken, not stirred. 😉

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Tsitsim L’Chaim

Tsitsim L'Chaim
Tsitsim L’Chaim!

Tsitsim L’Chaim! Boobs for Life! Or, as best as my Yiddish and Hebrew can get – and yes, I pretty sure that tsitsim (boobs) is a Yiddish word with Hebrew roots that crossed back into modern Hebrew. Linguistically correct or not though, the sentiment stands – boobs for life!

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Good Morning

Good Morning Boobs
Good Morning

Here’s hoping you have a good morning… despite it being another Monday. And, let’s face it, for the vast majority of us – normal guys, lesbians, and bisexual babes making up at least 95% of population – boobs are a great start to any day. 😉

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