I freely admit that, despite my disgust with the entirety of the Hipster subculture, I do love me some irony. 😉 I especially love irony that based upon- and caused by some jabbering idiot making idiotic statements, comparisons, and demands without even bothering to consider the overall context of the situation, themselves, or the agenda and/or constituents that they claim to represent.
The grifting blacktivist, Jesse Jackson’s latest jabbering screed is a perfectly example of this.
The irony! Feel it burn. Little is better on a cold, Winter’s day.
Phil Robertson’s homophobic comments to GQ were MORE OFFENSIVE than the words uttered by bus driver who tried to force Rosa Parks to sit on the back of his bus in 1955 … so says civil rights leader Jesse Jackson.
Jackson came out firing against the “Duck Dynasty” star this week … explaining, “These statements uttered by Robertson are more offensive than the bus driver in Montgomery, Alabama, more than 59 years ago.”
“At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law. Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was ‘white privilege.'”
Jackson is demanding a meeting with A&E and Cracker Barrel execs … and even issued a Friday deadline … urging the network to uphold Robertson’s suspension from the reality show.
Firstly, given the “Black Community’s” fear and loathing of homosexuals, which far outpaces the “homophobia” of normal, White Americans but which is largely swept under the rug by the media, it’s very ironic that Jackson would make any statement about Robertson’s comments.
Out of fairness I have to say that TMZ could have got it wrong. Jackson could have been talking about Robertson’s comments on the happiness of the local Blacks way back when.
If that’s the case, Jackson’s jabbering isn’t ironic; it’s just a ridiculous and insulting false equivalency, but an expected one from a creature that makes it rent off of maintaining racism in the “Black Community”.
Secondly, the irony of some aging ghetto grievance-monger acting in even the least way as if his opinion or that of the thuggish hordes he claims to speak for would matter at all to a restaurant chain named Cracker Barrel is beyond the pale.
This is, indeed, the Blackest irony. 😆
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Tags: Activism | America | Blacks | Duck Dynasty | Ghetto Thugs | Grifters | Homosexuals | Humor | Irony | Jesse Jackson | LGBT | Phil Robertson | Queers | Racial Activism | Society
This entry was posted on Friday, December 27th, 2013 at 11:46 am and is filed under Humor, Society.
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