A Safer AR

A Safer AR - AR-10
A Safer AR – The AR-10

After all, it’s all about feeling safer. Well that, and the AR seems to be unit of measurement for unreasoning fear among the gun-grabbers.

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One Important Lesson

Don't Trust A HoggOne Important Lesson: Don’t Trust A Hogg

😆 Ain’t it the truth? And ironically the Duke boys didn’t even own or use firearms during the show’s seven seasons.

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The Rage Of Children

The Rage Of Children
The Rage Of Children

Yes, it’s not really the high schoolers who are the children right now. It’s the infantile Democrats in Congress, e.g., Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, and their screaming, ranting ilk who are behaving like unruly, undisciplined, and ill-behaved children who’ve been told that they can’t have the toy that they want. The high schoolers, inane, unthinking of the future, and easily manipulated as they are, are at least trying to take control of their fate and, to some extent, act to protect themselves from a perceived threat.

They Won't Let It Go Till After The Election
Of Course It’s Not Just Mindless Rage

Of course they’re quite apparent rage isn’t completely mindless. It’s more than little manufactured since they have to pander to what was once the Far Left of their Liberal and Progressive base. Hence, with the complicity of- and aid and comfort from their Lamestream Media, they will bitterly cling to any every firearm-related / firearm-involved tragedy that isn’t Black-on-Black crime…or the attempted mass assassination of Republicans.

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Liberals’ On Full-Auto

Gun-Grabbers Set For Full-AutoLiberals’ On Full-Auto

Whenever there’s an “appropriately” high profile crime that involved the use of a firearm – this particular time being Devin Kelly’s massacre of 26 people in First Baptist Church in rural Sutherland Springs, Texas – Americans are immediately assaulted by the Liberal and Progressive gun-grabbers. And yes, it’s a full-auto assault; a rapid fire attack of blamecasting, hoplophobia, and the vilest hatred towards the American people. Ironically, the shear volume of the gun-grabbers’ attempted verbal suppressive fire clearly indicates that they’ve gone beyond mere high-capacity magazines of vitriol and spite and have switch to belt-fed systems.

The only difference between the Sutherland Springs massacre and previous killings of note is that the Liberals and Progressives changed their strategies. They’re no longer committing targeted attacks against GOP lawmakers and the NRA as an organization. They’ve switched a strategic warfare model, targeting any and all NRA members and Republican voters.

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Who’s To Blame?

Who's To Blame For Rapes and Mass Shootings?
Who’s To Blame?

Yes, it’s in our nature to seek out who or what is to blame for any crisis – sometimes so much so that common decency is left by the wayside. Of course more consistently and less hypocrisy when it comes to blame would be nice. It’s a shame that the hoplophobic Left can’t manage that. Then, consistency and probity aren’t in their natures.

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