Back In The Day
Yes, back in the day, the “Press” was staffed largely by American journalists and editors. The press back then focused on facts and strove for objective reporting thereof. They deserved both their right to freely report upon our government and its officials and the various privileges that were granted to them, e.g., largely unfettered access to the halls of power and the credence and respect of the American people.
Now, however, the “Press” mostly doesn’t exist at the national level. There are few, if any, actual journalists left in that degenerated industry. No. Now we don’t have a “Free Press.” What he have is an unregulated, largely accountable propaganda corps for the Democrat party being passed off as the 4th Estate. No. What we now have is a Lamestream Enemedia spewing biased and fake news and, thereby, abrogating any 1st Amendment rights they might have in the same way that criminals by their actions have abrogated certain of their basic rights.
Not that is is truly new. The MSM’s “calling” to #Resist anything That President Trump does or doesn’t do and their quite open alliance with anything that cries out #NeverTrump is merely the other side of the coin of their loyalties and ideology. They did, after all, spend eight years acting as Obama’s Praetorian Guard. They did, after all, spend those eight years shielding Obama from negative consequences and marginalizing any and all who spoke against his actions, rhetoric, and/or policies.
No. What the American people are dealing with now isn’t new. It’s just how the “Press” operates when their enemies have elected a POTUS.
Tags: #NeverTrump | #Resist | America | Coup | Fake News | Free Press | Insurrection | Lamestream Media | Leftists | Liberals | Media | Media Bias | Obama | Politics | Presstitutes | Progressives | Propaganda | Trump