
While it seems unlikely that the House Democrats will drag out their over-used and worthless impeachment proceedings against President Trump for doing his duty and nominating a replacement for the late and unlamentedby Americans at least – the damage has already been done. Pelosi and her ilk have, with their hate– and madness-fueled obsession with impeaching our President, have already done incalculable harm to our democracy.

But, rather than waxing vitriolic, I’ll just quote from The Portly Politico, who stated the problem as well or better than I would have.

The Democrats already cheapened impeachment with their bogusUkraine collusion story. Technically, yes, the House can impeach a president at any time if they have the votes to do so. The prudence and dispassion of a prior age would normally have prevented such a drastic measure except in the most dire of constitutional circumstances – ”in other words, if the president actually abused his authority and the constitutional limits placed upon it.

Now, however, the Democrats have cheapened the impeachment process to such an extent that it’s nearly the equivalent of voting to name a federal post office after some uncontroversial small town hero or legendary civil rights figure: its just another day at the office.

If Speaker Pelosi and her ilk push through an impeachment against President Trump for fulfilling his constitutional duty and power to appoint a justice to the Supreme Court, the very act of impeachment will have lost all meaning. If President Trump were wantonly selling the Supreme Court seat to the highest bidder, then, by all means – impeach away! But he clearly isn’t.

— The Portly Politico

Truly though, go to the Portly Politico and read his whole article. It’s more than worth what time and effort doing so will cost.

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Shiteaters For Biden

Shiteaters For Biden
Shiteaters For Biden

Exactly! Sadly for the American people though, we’re infected with a damn lot of shiteating Democrats who’ll dive into the shit sandwich that is the Biden-Harris campaign like cats on an old, dead feminist.

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Joe Bad Hands Biden

They’ve No Issue Now With Joe Bad Hands Biden

I’m not at this point going to go too far into Creepy Uncle Joe’s issues with women’s personal spaces. They’re well documented, as is my position on them. Hence, those topics don’t really bear repeating.

No, what’s more important right now is the rank hypocrisy being shown by our domestic enemies, the Democrats and their ilk. The captured tweet above sums it up well, as does the “nuanced” and “triangulated” response by #MeToo’s darling, Alyssa Milano. They literally have no problem anymore with Biden’s behavior now that he’s the de facto Democrat Nominee against President Trump for the 2020 Elections.

“Hugs, kisses, and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable?” That’s not an established pattern of sexual harassment and sexual assault… not if the man in question is their Nominee. #BelieveAllWomen? Not if, as in Tara Reade’s case, that woman is accusing their Nominee!

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Thematically Boring

Democrat Idiots Are Thematically Boring
Democrat Idiots Are Thematically Boring

In some ways, the Democrats’ greatest sin is that they’re thematically boring. They’ve got one, singular theme – Destroy President Trump – and they just keep repeating it ad nauseam, with only superficial variation thereupon. Essentially, they’ve got a moribund, one-trick pony whose dead carcass they just keep beating upon … for 1,277 days and still counting.

And remember, certain sorts among the Dems want us all to know that, after this coup attempt fails, they can and will do it again, and again, and again until either forced to stop or they get thier way.

At times I almost believe that Dems are less about telling a lie big enough and keep repeating it often enough and people will eventually come to believe it, than they are about telling the same lie so many times in so many slight variations that people grow bored and ignore their actions.

But, at the end of the day, it’s rather horrific that the Democrats have continuously engaged in a concerted effort to overthrow the will of we, the People, and forcibly remove the POTUS we elected to office and what most of us can say about it at this point is that we’re bored with this shit.

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Trump’s Obstruction

Trump's Obstruction Of The Dems' Coup Attempt is Obvious
Trump's Obstruction Is Plain As Day. He's been obstructing the Dems' coup attempt against him since before he was even elected
Yep! President Trump’s Obstruction Is Plain As Day

The Democrats and their ilk and co-conspirators, both within the government and the media, have finally left their crack-pipe dreams of Collusion behind in favor of Obstruction.

And they’re right in a twisted, deranged, and ultimately dangerous way. President Trump’s Obstruction of the Democrat-led coup against him is quite evident. He is guilty of defending himself, his office, his People, and his Nation against the concerted attempts by the Left’s Democrats undo and overturn the will of the People.

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