A Muslim jihadi, Khalid Masood, enacted a terrorist attack in London that killed four pedestrians and injured about 50 others as he mowed down members of the public with a car on Westminster Bridge, on Wednesday, March 22, 2017. Masood then crashed his SUV into the railings in front of Parliament Yard before bursting through the gate to the Palace of Westminster with two large knives where he fatally stabbed an unarmed police constable. But, of course the five dead and the forty injured aren’t the real victims.

As We Can See, The Real Victims Are The Muslims
No, as we can see from stark fear and concern on this Muslim bint’s face as she chats away on her phone while passing Brits trying to tend to one of Masood’s wounded, the real victims are the Muslim communities inside England’s borders.
London’s Metropolitan Police Service’s Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Operations, Mark Rowley made that eminently and immediately clear in his statement to the British people.
We must recognize now that our Muslim communities will feel anxious at this time, given the past behavior of extreme right wing groups, and we will continue to work with all community leaders over the coming days.
— Asst. Commissioner Mark Rowley
Of course, there’s actually no record of any attacks by “extreme right wing groups” in England. They’ve probably “said mean things” and they certainly voted to have Britain leave the EU, but actual violence on their part seems to be statistically nonexistent. Not that this lack of evidence will affect the narrative. It seems to felt to be necessary to promulgate the idea that Westerners are always just a hair’s breadth away from enacting anti-Muslim pogroms.
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Tags: Britain | Dhimmitude | England | Jihad | Jihadis | Khalid Masood | London | Mark Rowley | Muslim Terrorists | Muslims | Politics | Ragheads | Society | Terrorism | Vermin
This entry was posted on Saturday, March 25th, 2017 at 9:56 am and is filed under Politics, Society.
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