How Liberals See Jihadis

When the Muslim female attempted to hijack a Benghazi panel – and got herself well schooled by Brigitte Gabriel – she did bring up one point, irrelevent to the panel discuss but relevant to America and Civilized World.

How can we fight an ideological war with weapons? How can we ever end this war? The jihadist ideology that you talk about, it’s an ideology. How can you ever win this thing if you don’t address it ideologically?

This is relevant because in the war of Islam vs. the Civilized World, especially America, Islam’s jihadis have already won the hearts and minds of the Liberals and Progressives and, by extension, the politicians of the Democratic party within America’s borders.

Illegal Enemy Combatants
Illegal Enemy Combatants

The image above is a very proficient use of Photoshop but there isn’t anything in it that the Left hasn’t said repeatedly, nor is there any call to action in it that the Left has tried their best to realize. Since mere hours after the atrocities of 9/11 the Liberals and Progressives have been siding with Islam’s jihadis and no time in the intervening years has their support wavered or waned.

My fellow Americans, if you love America and love her children you must remember that the Democrats now represent the jihadis and their dhimmi sympathizers against America and you must act accordingly in the fast approaching 2014 midterm elections.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉 Your vote counts, whether it’s cast at the polls or from the rooftops.

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Mosul Eisley

Right now in a sandbox far, far away…

Mosul Eisly - A hive of scum and villainy
Mosul Eisley 2014

With Al Qaeda having taken the city by force, it seems that, after a brief renaissance, Mosul is once more a wretched hive of scum and villainy and, more than likely, there’s absolutely nothing that we can do about it.

We lack the appropriate forces to send…

Jedi Templar
Non Nobis Impetus, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Yep! I haven’t seen or heard of any of the Jedi Knights Templar being around and available for this sort of enterprise.

I suppose that will should, and will likely have to, let the Iraqis deal with their own problem this time. After all, we helped them build their government and train their forces, and then left their country both on the original timeline as set forth by President Bush Jr. and abided by Obama and at the incontrovertible and stern request of that very Iraqi government that is now having a problem.

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A Catch-22 SNAFU

Private SNAFUThere is, quite rightfully, a lot of kerfuffle over the Obama Regime’s new military budget which cuts the military to pre-WW2 strength levels. This is a logical and pragmatic fear-based outraged. The world is largely not our friend and a weakened military is not Americans’ ally at all.

On the other hand, this is not the gutting of our defensive strength that it is proclaimed to be. We’re talking about just under a 20& reduction in force over the next 5 years if nothing changes. Hence, the complaint are largely, though by no means entirely, unfounded and spurious.

No, what we have here is the ever-repeating Catch-22 SNAFU. The situation is normal, all fucked up, because it’s normal for circular logic and self-conflicting rules within the civilian political bureaucracy to interfere with the efficient operation of the military. Irrespective of political party affiliation it’s a rarity for any politician to have our nation’s defense as a priority when it comes time for the US Military appropriations budget.

Additionally, reductions in force and realignment of assets is also normal as the priorities and threats shift. As the Obama Regime has: no interest in returning to Iraq; has abandoned Afghanistan; and has no intention of projecting military force to protect or expand American interests abroad, this had to be expected.

It’s really pointless, given the nature of the problem, to argue against these defense cuts on the basis of national security. It, however, is wise to argue against them on the grounds of economics and the horrendous impact they will have upon employment. Financially the proposed cuts by the Obama Regime are historic.  The 2011 defense budget represented 4.7% of America’s GDP; this year’s total will be 2.7%.  In other words US defense spending is set to plummet from $705.6 billion in 2011 to $496 billion, a 30% drop.

So there will be approximately $209 billion less spent upon the military which will in turn mean that defense contractors will be able to earn that much less. This will necessarily cost thousands upon thousands of jobs across the country.

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Sending Christmas Cheer

It’s the Christmas Season and that means it’s the season of giving and sharing. Sending Christmas cheer is part and parcel to the celebration of this holiday.

Christmas For Muzzies
Atamanna Lakum Eid Milaad Sa’eed, Khanzeer

So let’s send some cheer to the Muslims and give them the gift of eternal paradise that they so long for. 😉

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Droning Hypocrisy

Obama HypocriteThe arrogance and abject hypocrisy of the Obama Regime knows no bounds, not even those of basic decorum and intelligence. They can’t even manage to be marginally circumspect in the behavior.

With the run-up to the 2012 elections indicating that there was a decent chance that Mitt Romney would be elected and, hence, the Obama Regime would no longer have control over US drone warfare operations, they accelerated their efforts to make rules governing drone strikes to use against Romney.

Of course, once Obama was reelected, these efforts were once again put on the back burner so as not to hamper their own activities.

“There was concern that the levers might no longer be in our hands,” said one official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

But then this is par for the course for Obama, his handlers and overseers, and his sycophants and cultists. Laws are for other people – Americans – not for them. So too is it par for the course that their priorities were to prepare for the use of lawfare against Romney in the event of his election instead of codifying rules of engagement for drone strikes.

Maybe Obama was just worried about being on the receiving end of drone strike. Face facts, he’s a clearer and less ambiguous enemy target than Anwar al-Awlaki ever was.

Their droning hypocrisy is nauseating. I know that it’s ridiculous to expect any better from Obama and his sort, but I do expect those who are in charge of my nation’s national defense and foreign policy to show a certain modicum of discretion and circumspection when they’re engaged in unsavory activities.

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