#BlackLivesMatter’s Playbook

#BlackLivesMatter's Playbook
#BlackLivesMatter’s Playbook

While set up in classic, independent cells, #BlackLivesMatter does have a unified playbook that they operate from. It’s the same one – though the “Oppressors” and “Victims” have been altered greatly to fit their narrative, as have the specific “crimes” that are claimed to be committed.

It’s sort of funny though, how stupid and feral the #BlackLivesMatter sorts are. Almost exactly like the Nazis’ Sturmabteilung (SA), it’s only going to take one Putsch too many, too far, or in the wrong place for the Democrats to enact their own version of the Night of the Long Knives upon these Braunhaute.

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Just another screaming, angry buck nigger

A real issue with those Blacks who identify as “African-American” is the punctuation involved. The hyphen is wrong and should be used. The grammatical/logical symbol that should be separating “African” from “American” is ↮ the symbol for contradiction or an XOR value choice. This is especially true because the etymological root of “contradiction” is the Latin contradico, “speak against.”

(Contradiction, Opposition, Antithesis, Exclusive Choice)

The sad fact of it is that they’re either Black/African or they’re American. At best, and that best is vanishingly rare, it’s a sliding scale between being part of their people or part ours. They can’t be both because Blacks – those acknowledged by their own people as being Black Enough and not an American, e.g., those derided as being Oreos and/or Uncle Toms/ Aunt Jemimas – hate America and her people. And, you can’t be a true member of a people and/or nation while holding it to be utterly evil, loathsome, and the existential enemy of “your people.”

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Blacks Don’t Want Biden

Blacks Don't Want Biden. They Want "Revenge"
They want to kill and rape Whites with impunity
Blacks Don’t Want Biden. They Want “Revenge”

This is something that every American should be aware of, understand, and use to inform their actions. The Blacks don’t want Biden. The Blacks don’t want “reform.” The Blacks want “revenge” and to be able to take violent action against the White Race.

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Words vs. Meaning

Words vs. Meaning
Words vs. Meaning

Despite the Left’s and their minority sharecroppers’ belief that they can blithely Humpty Dumpty any all words and phrases, they are still bound by the objective meanings based upon context.

So, when they chant and rant about “justice,” in the context of police officers dealing with Black criminals, what the meaning is is that they want the police officers to be killed. They want the police to be eradicated. Some of them don’t even couch it in soft terms anymore.

#BLM = Burn, Loot, Murder
#BLM = Burn, Loot, Murder

Then, #BlackLivesMatter – now often TLA’d to #BLM has always been steeped in- and all about violence, specifically rioting, burning, looting, and murdering Whites in general and law enforcement officers in particular. They’ve always used a small number of peaceful protestors as shields, both physical and propaganda, for the feral violence that underscores their every action.

Democrats' Plan for 2020 & Beyond - #VoteByRiot
Democrats’ Plan for 2020 & Beyond – #VoteByRiot

This, of course, greatly pleases the Democrats. While it’s fallacious to claim that they engineered the rioting and insurrection of #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa cells, they’ve pandered to- and enabled its perpetrators and profiteered off of it at a chance they could get or manufacture.

What the Dems are doing is encouraging their constituencies to #VoteByRiot and/or the threat thereof. It’s an old-school, realpolitik technique for revolution and societal destruction called Propaganda of the Deed (Propagande par le Fait), though the Dems, by and large, are doing this by proxy instead of by direct example on their part.

James Hodgkinson’s 2017 attempted mass assassination of Congressional Republicans and the Dems’ response to it is a perfect example of this. The ongoing race riots are more of the same.

But I’m sure that the Dems would use different words to describe their actions. They can’t, however, change the meaning of what they’re doing no matter what words they misuse to do so.

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A Token Of Things Today

Kamala Harris - A Token Of Things Today
Kamala Harris – A Token Of Things Today

So, the people running the Dems’ presidential campaign have chosen Kamala Harris to be Creepy Uncle Joe Biden’s running mate and Vice Presidential candidate. This makes Harris the singularly most visible and overt token of these degenerate, degrading, and disgusting “Anti-Racism” times.

Her nomination isn’t even Affirmative Action because there was never any thought to “all else being equal.” No! The Dems explicitly said that Race and Gender were hard and fast prerequisites for the being given the nomination.

So, Kamala Harris is just their Token Negro and Token Woman and nothing else or more than that. And that is current state of thought and belief among those sorts most likely to vote Democrat in the upcoming 2020 elections.

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