Campaign Finance Reform

Since America is now in yet another election year, one can expect various cries for campaign finance reform to resound across our divided land. Most of the screaming will come from Liberals and Progressives who will chant, “Koch Brothers! Koch Brothers! Koch Brothers!” while wondering where they left their torches and pitchforks.

The unruly and largely ineffective mobs of Leftists truly hate the Koch Brothers and stridently declaim about how they’ve bought and paid for so many politicians.

Yet, as corporations go, the Koch Brothers’ campaign contributions pale in comparison to others’.


Koch Brothers v. Labor Unions Campaign Purchases
(Click to Enlarge)


Over the 23 year span between 1989 and 2012 Koch Industries donated just under $10,000,000 to political campaigns. That’s a fairly significant amount. Yet it is only a fraction of what the larger labor unions contributed to political campaigns during the same time period.

  • The American Federation of Teachers  paid 3.19 times as much;
  • The Laborers Union paid 3.22 times as much;
  • The Int. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers paid 3.44 times as much;
  • The National Education Association paid 3.70 times as much;
  • The SEIU paid 3.78 times as much and;
  • The AFSCME paid 4.66 times as much.

Indeed, the largest class of expenditures by labor unions is political spending, both direct campaign contributions and other forms of a political backing such as television commercials. Yet, of course, Americans will never hear the Liberals and Progressives bemoan that. Quite the contrary, those are corporations that they laud for “purchasing” politicians.

What even more sad than the by now utterly expected hypocrisy of the Left is the fact that Americans allow them to get away with it. Instead of allow them to shape the conversation as they please, Americans should be in their faces hammering them mercilessly with the truth about campaign contributions.

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Sherman’s March 2.0

Sherman's March 2.0 - Big Labor Seek To Burn The South AgainAt the time of this article it’s been 148 years, 9 months, and 22 days since the Union General, William Tecumseh Sherman made his March To The Sea, burning the cities of the South and introducing the world to strategy of destroying enemy civilian targets in order to render them incapable of making war.

Since then the South has rebuilt and risen anew.

The South is now a growing economic and political powerhouse. Hence, the forces arrayed against it are once again planning on metaphorically marching to sea and burning the South to the ground. This time Sherman’s March 2.0 is to be carried out by the Big Labor syndicates of the unions.

The AFL-CIO recently unveiled their “Southern Strategy” to unionize the South and install pro-union politicians.

LOS ANGELES — Labor will embark on an expansive organizing campaign in America’s union-scarce South that, if successful, could bring about serious political upheaval.

The AFL-CIO, at its quadrennial convention this week, adopted a resolution to come up with a “Southern Strategy” that includes “a long-term commitment to organize the South.”

The labor unions are dying because wherever employees are given the freedom of choice they, by and large, choose not to join these syndicates and, wherever they are denied freedom of choice, they tend to flee those areas of the country…for places like the South. So, of course, the heads of these syndicates are vowing to assault the South, install their politicians, and burn the new South to ground like they have the everywhere else they’ve been allowed to flourish. They can’t abide workers’ choice because they can’t survive it.

So they’re coming for Southern businesses, political representation, and the jobs that feed Southern families and they’re bound and determined to turn: Atlanta, Savannah, Charlotte, and the other great cities of south into wasteland like Detroit.

Ladies and gentlemen of the South, you’re well-armed and now you’re forewarned. The question is whether or not you’ll realize that it doesn’t matter whether they’re Blue Bellies or Purple Jackets, they’re the enemy and they’re coming once again to destroy your way of life and all that you hold dear.

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It’s A Package Deal

When you buy union you buy the whole package deal
Buy Union – It’s A Package Deal

Whenever you buy union you buy all of what the “union provides.” Whenever you buy union you lend material aid and comfort to the union and to those individuals, groups, and agendas they support.

Before you buy union consider what else your buying for yourself and your people as part of that package deal.

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Collective Cannibalism

Big LaborOne of the best things about the failure of the labor unions is that they’re engaging in collective cannibalism. They’re eating their own and predating upon each other, which bodes well for America’s future. This is good because anything that weakens these syndicates further and contributes to their eventual destruction is a good thing for the American economy and should be celebrated by the American people.

With American workers fleeing the unions in droves, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters has chosen to raid other unions for members. Currently, their trying to pouch the US Airways and American Airlines mehanics from their existing unions. This is causing a lot of anger in the unions the Teamsters have targeted as prey.

As a trade unionist, I’m outraged and disgusted that the Teamsters plan to waste the time and resources of their members in an unprincipled raid against union members at US Airways. Let’s call this what it is: The IBT is behaving like a parasite. They are desperately attempting to feed off another organization to cover up their own failures. This has everything to do with the Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting that the IBT lost more members than any other union last year and nothing to do with the needs of aircraft mechanics.

Garry Drummond
Air Transport Division Director, TWU

To be heartlessly fair though, nobody – not even the filth who run the labor soviets – should be surprised by this behavior. The Teamsters have a long and infamous history or predatory practices. Throughout the decades of their unfortunate existence they’re raided and sought to destroy union after union. That’s part of why they finally left AFL-CIO which tried to curtail that sort of behavior.

For Americans though, this is good news. Whenever the unions feast upon each other instead of the productive American population its a good thing.

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The Obamacare Upside

#ILikeObamaCare years and many victims laterThe overwhelming majority of Americans, and not a few Liberals as well, think of Obamacare as an unremitting and unalloyed failure – a chimaerical disaster unequaled in American history.  For Americans, however, this is not exactly true; it does have an upside. The Obamacare upside is that it might just be straw that breaks the camel’s back when it comes to the labor unions and their strangling of American industry.

Indeed, last week the 22,000-member-strong United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers (UURWAW) – an AFL-CIO cell – not only ended their support of the PPAC, they are now calling for its repeal.

These provisions jeopardize our multiemployer health plans, have the potential to cause a loss of work for our members, create an unfair bidding advantage for those contractors who do not provide health coverage to their workers and, in the worst case, may cause our members and their families to lose the benefits they currently enjoy as participants in multiemployer health plans

— Kinsey Robinson, UURWAW President

Essentially, the union found out what was in it, had their noses rubbed into the fact that Obama lied through his teeth about much of it, and now want Obamacare to be scrapped before they go out of business.

Frankly, if this is the case in general and Obama will “gut-shoot” the unions, Americans might want to keep Obamacare around long enough for them to “bleed out” before scrapping it.

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