I Fart Because…

I Fart Because It's The Only Gas I Can Afford
Thanks, Biden
I Fart Because It’s The Only Gas I Can Afford
Thanks, Biden

Exactly! Thanks to the Biden Price Hike, gasoline prices have skyrocketed to unheard of levels. And no; no matter how much that worthless, demented, child-molester and his equally sick handlers want to blame Putin and the oil industry for the price increase, lies don’t change facts or mitigate Creepy Uncle Joe “Bad Hands” Biden culpability for our woes.

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Delusional Or Disingenuous?

Delusional Or Disingenuous?
Pelosi: Delusional Or Disingenuous?

It is a bit of a quandary. Was Pelosi being delusional or disingenuous when she exclaimed, “How could this be?” over the price of a gallon of gasoline in her state of California where in some locales it has reached $6.00 a gallon.

Given that she then immediately ordered that we don’t solve for this economic disaster by increasing our domestic production of petroleum – the ONLY way to fix this immediate problem – I’d say it’s a combination of both. She was disingenuous in her shock and outrage over fuel prices, and she was delusional in believing that anyone other than the financial elite urbanites would agree with her prohibition on extended domestic drilling.

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Alternative Energy

As I’ve said not too long ago, Liberal and Progressive ecotards, especially the Warmists and climatards of today, should be focusing on better sources of renewable energy than solar and/or wind…such as boobs!

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Ass – An Alternative Energy Source

But the issue is, as I recently realized, that such a breast-based energy plan would not be 100% efficient because not everyone is into breasts. Therefor, in order to maximized energy production and diversify the world’s energy portfolio, they should also be researching harnessing the power of women’s asses. 😉

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Such Power!

Liberal and Progressive ecotards, especially the Warmists and climatards of today, are very much against any and all fossil fuels and very, very much in favor of various and sundry alternative energy source. Of course, these delusional Leftists have little to no understanding of economics or the energy density of fuel sources.

Now, if only we could take more advantage of some truly high energy density renewable and sustainable power sources…

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Cleavage – Such Power If Only We Could Harness It

If we truly want renewable, sustainable, ecologically friendly power generation, what we should be researching is how to harness the energy potential of women’s cleavage! The energy women’s tits-to-men’s eyes energy circuit could, if tapped somehow, generate such power as to utterly beggar the imagination. 😉

Really! This should be a no-brainer. We already know the amazing power contained – hopefully barely – within a woman’s decolletage. Also, while some claim it has already been weaponized, it still seems to be the best potential energy source available to Man.

All we have to do is figure out how to harness and transfer the power. Given that we’re getting better and better at applied quantum mechanics, this should be doable – possibly more and more quickly doable even than fusion power.

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High Gas Prices

Ever since Obama was installed in the White House gasoline prices have soared and stayed very significantly higher than they were under President Bush Jr. or any of his predecessors, even the unlamented Carter.

I could better tolerate the high gas prices if the pumps were "full service."
“Full Service” Pumps Would Make It Worth The Price

Now, if the pumps were “full service” and worked by luscious ladies like the one above, I’d be more than OK with price per gallon for fuel.

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