Quch Tlho’taHghach!

Klingon Turkeys
Quch Tlho’taHghach!

Quch Tlho’taHghach. Sop QaQ! In other words and in English, Happy Thanksgiving. Eat Well!

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Imperial Hippies

The AT-AT of the Imperial Hippies. It’s a new and more threatening version of the 1960’s hippies’ VW Microbus that is perfectly and poetically suited to the modern era.

Imperial Hippies and their VW Microbus AT-AT
VW Microbus AT-AT

I really don’t think it was the intent of the Star Wars fan who crafted this odd piece of fan art to so aptly sum up what the hippies have turned into, but he or she succeeded nonetheless.

In American society and politics, the hippies of the 1960’s have metamorphosed into an evil empire of Liberal baby boomers hell-bent on imposing an authoritarian regime…for our own good of course.

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We Are So Screwed!

As if the Predator using his normal hunting kit wasn’t bad enough, now we have this to look forward to…

Iron Predator - We Are So Screwed
Iron Predator – We Are So Screwed

Whether you call them Yautja, Hish, or leave them nameless, the Predators were some of the most bad-ass sci-fi aliens to ever give humanity a hard time – and now we’ve got one in Iron Man’s Golden Avenger suit?!?!

To all of those attending, enjoy Comic-Con 2012. 😀

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Gullible iTrooper

One of the biggest problems that face evil overlords, whether they be The Empire or Apple, is labor. It’s hard, though not impossible, to find good help these days, as Apple’s iTrooper certainly proves.

iTrooper Gulled By Droids
These Aren’t The Droids You’re Looking For

The ever gullible iTrooper, well-compensated but poorly trained and inflexible, falls for the Jedi mind trick every time. These just must not be the droids he’s looking for.

On the other hand, these are the droids you’re looking for, as is this one.

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Not Much Has Changed

In 2008 Obama was seen as the harbinger of change. He ran as the Great Black Hope of the Left and their minority tenants. It’s now 2012 and Obama is continuing his campaign for the Presidency.

Oddly perhaps, not much has changed in the intervening four years…

Obama-Zombie Fangirls Circa 2008

Back in 2008, with the death of boy bands and Justin Bieber not being on the scene yet, Obama had a lot of rock star appeal to impressionable young, White girls inexperienced in both politics and their own sexuality.

Obama-Zombie Fangirls Circa 2012

Now in 2012, the hysteria has faded but the devotion has turned from that of groupies into that of worshipers drinking in their master’s “wisdom.”

Nope, not much has changed at all in the last four years. Obama is still reliant upon the pliable vacuity of his followers and still finding them in the same places and amongst the same demographics.

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