Bruce’s Patrol Is Over

Bruce's Patrol Is Over
Bruce’s Patrol Is Over

That looks about right. It seems like something that Selina aka Catwoman would do to let Bruce aka Batman know that he’s been patrolling Gotham for too long and needs to get home. 😉

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Thor Controls Electricity

Thor Controls Electricity
Explaining How Thor Controls Electricity

It’s both expected and fully appropriate that Thor, the God of thunder, can control electricity in all its forms. And, it is quite simple how He does so. Mjölnir is simply a bit more versatile than most, especially Disney, give it credit for. 😉

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Epic Hissy Fit


A Truly Epic Hissy Fit!

Sleestak vs. Gorn; the deadly hissy fit in history – or is that prehistory? – that never was but so should have been!

Fun Note: Part of what makes this image especially cool to me is how well put together it is. Land Of the Lost was from 1974; comic books were 25¢ in 1974-76; the art’s style matches Marvel comics of that era; and the Gorn was introduced in 1967. This comic could have existed!

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A Prophecy Ignored?

A Prophecy Ignored?
A Prophecy Ignored?
(Click to Enlarge)

We were warned! Decades ago this madness was prophesied, but we ignored it to our later peril and disgruntlement. ‘Tis true though that Archie comics was probably not the best place to dispense a Divine warning. 😆

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TMNT Office Remake

TMNT Office Remake

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