Battery Change 2022+

Battery Change
Your Car’s Battery Change 2022 and Beyond

Yeah, not only do electric vehicles (EVs) normally cost about 20% more than either their traditional and hybrid counterparts, the cost of replacing their battery pack/deck is way more than anything normal people would condone. For now, that sort of makes me laugh, since it’s harming the Liberals, Progressives, and other Ecotards and Warmists who want to signal their virtue and orthodoxy by buying and conspicuously driving one.

Look At Me Sinners! I’m Virtuous

The way I’ve always figured things, if you want to harm yourself for your faith, cool; more power to you and, even if we’re enemies, I have, do, and will always respect you for your sacrifice. I mean, I’ll be annoyed by your incessant proselytizing and virtue signalling, but I will always acknowledge that you put your faith first, before you comfort or material success.

But the problem is that these Warmists who are apparently shaping the domestic policies of the Democrat party are not in the least bit satisfied with practicing their religion. Oh no! As creatures like Biden and the other Dems in political power have shown, these Warmists have their own Great Commission and certainly don’t hesitate to enact Conversion by the Sword.

Why do you think Biden forced unprecedented fuel prices upon we, the People? Why do you think that SCOTUS had to explicitly tell the EPA that they couldn’t force the governments of the individual states to change their power production to something “green”?

This is America. If the Left wants to sacrifice their wealth and freedoms for the sake of their religion of Global Warming, fine! If they want to preach their faith in or on the streets? Fine! It’s when they try to force their face upon others that we have a problem.

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You’re Being Told…

You're Being Told...
You’re Being Told…

It’s summertime and, as such, various governments of Democrat-controlled urban population centers are telling residents to turn off or turn down their ACs to prevent once again overwhelming their poorly maintained power grids. At the same time though, Democrats and the sorts which vote them into office are telling us all – and, are trying to force us – to trade in our gasoline-powered cars and trucks for electric vehicles. 🙄

The first real question facing Americans is whether this is simple, Leftist idiocracy, a matter of callous ends justifying the means, or a planned crisis to allow Democrat state and local governments to take full, direct control of the power utilities in their areas. The second real question facing Americans is how far will we go to- and how permanently will we remove the threat these Democrats pose to our nation and our People.

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Now That's Risky

Now That's Risky
Now That’s Risky

Forget smoking while pumping gas, think about trying to charge your electric car in the rain! Now that’s risky! 😆 Zzzzzaaaaaap!

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The Great Green Delusion

The Great Green Delusion – An Electric Fleet

It’s odd that both Elon Musk and Akio Toyoda have been the ones that spoke the truth about converting the world’s fleet of automobiles to Electric Vehicles (EVs). Yet, it’s unsurprising that, aside from a short “news” cycle of outrage and derision from the Green Left, what they said has been ignored by these same delusional climatards and their media outlets.

As there are none so blind as those who will not see, so too are there none so deaf as those who will not hear. And that sums up what passes for the mentality of these sorts. Their delusion is reinforced by the dogma and is not subject to interventions by facts that contradict their visions of the future they want to enact up the world.

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So That Was Progress?

The Roberts Electric Car was built in 1896, 13 years before even Henry Ford’s famous Model T, and it got, using only the lead-acid batteries of the late 19th century, 40 miles per charge. This is the same range as that which is advertised for Chevy’s $32,000 Volt which cost nearly $750 million for them to develop.

Roberts Electric Roadster
Roberts Electric Car Circa 1896 – 40 Mile Range

Slightly later, in 1914, the Anderson Electric Car Company in Detroit, MI was producing electric cars using Edison’s nickel-iron batteries with a confirmed range of 80 miles per charge, twice that of the car which GM Dan Akerson called “not a step forward, but a leap forward.”

Detroit Electric Car
Anderson Electric Car Circa 1914 – 80 Mile Range

So the Volt was progress? No. The abject and pathetic travesty that is the Obama-approved “Great Leap Forward” in green engineering, the now defunct Chevy Volt was not progress in anything other than gross stupidity compounded by government intervention.

2012 Chevrolet Volt Convertible
Chevy Volt Circa 2012 – 40 Mile Range

If one wants to look at progress in electric vehicles one might consider looking at Dave Cloud, an electric vehicle hobbyist who designed and built his Dolphin for just $3000 using reclaimed car parts and COTS equipment. His Dolphin has a range of 200 miles on a single charge with a speed of 60-65 mph for 85% of those miles.

Dave Cloud's Dolphin Electric Car
Dave Cloud’s Dolphin Circa 2004 – 200 Mile Range

Admittedly, Cloud’s Dolphin is not truly practical for normal driving. Yet, what could someone like Dave Cloud design and build if given a fraction of the $750 million that GM wasted on the Volt?

Of course, between the actions and demand of the UAW and the restrictive regulations of the federal government, even if Mr. Cloud got access to funding it’d be unlikely that he could bring anything to market that was anywhere near as good as what he’s already designed.

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