Law: A Queer Thing Now

So right now there’s a lot of discussion and spewing of hatred over the SCOTUS’ decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which now demands that all 50 States allow Queers to marry under the law. Most of the hate being spewed is, unsurprisingly, coming from the Liberals and Progressives and is both an orgy of gloating and implied threat of persecution – persecution now more likely after Obergefell.

In all truth, I’m rather ambivalent about this ruling from the SCOTUS. I’ve read the decision and it seems a solid and well-founded piece of law overall, but with one glaring problem – Judicial Tyranny over the States and the unintended negative consequences that bit of overreach may very well engender.

Queer Judicial Tyranny
The Law Seems A Queer Things These Days

While I have exactly zero issues with the idea of queers being able to marry and have always been an opponent and detractor of DOMA I firmly believe that the SCOTUS’ hearing of this case and rendering such a broad opinion is contrary to best interests of the nation and flies directly in face of previous SCOTUS rulings – utterly ignored by Justice Kennedy and the four Liberals on the Court – that unequivocally stated in Hisquierdo v. Hisquierdo that all laws pertaining to marriage are the purview of the several States and not the Federal Government.

Insofar as marriage is within temporal control, the States lay on the guiding hand.

“The whole subject of the domestic relations of husband and wife, parent and child, belongs to the laws of the States, and not to the laws of the United States.

Indeed, I’m displeased by Obergefell for exactly the same reason as I was against DOMA. Marriage law has historically been a province of state law in the United States and it should stay as such. While the Supremacy Clause does allow the SCOTUS to do what they’ve done – it’s perfectly valid under Constitutional Law – one should not do something merely because one can or one feels for some person or group of persons.

And yes, this is what Justice Kennedy did. He ignored history and the long-standing weight thereof, previous SCOTUS rulings, and the negative impacts of the legal precedent this sets so as to lend aid and comfort to a group he favors – homosexuals. Remember always that Justice Kennedy is the one who through judicial action effectively legalized sodomy in America with his opinion on Lawrence v. Texas.

So, to all the queers out there – I’m honestly happy for you but I shudder to think of the damage you’ve caused the nation by how you’ve gotten what you felt you deserved.

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Unlawful Combatants

Judge's Gavel on American FlagOn Monday, February 16, 2015, a mere one day before Obama’s sweeping executive actions on immigration would have allowed illegal immigrants to begin applying for work permits and legal protection, Judge Andrew S. Hanen, of the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Texas, ruled in favor of Texas and 25 other states that had challenged Obama’s unilateral immigration actions and issued an injunction against carrying out these changes to the law.

Obama’s White House will, of course, challenge this ruling and battle it in the federal court system, possibly with it ending up in from of the SCOTUS in the relatively near future. That challenge is to be expected and is largely immaterial in the larger, deeper scope of America’s tribulations. There are bigger issues.

The bigger, deeper, and more fundamentally dangerous issue that this relates to is that almost half of the Democrats don’t believe that Obama should listen to- or abide by federal court rulings.

Should the president have the right to ignore federal court rulings if they are standing in the way of actions he feels are important for the country?

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 26% of Likely U.S. Voters think the president should have the right to ignore federal court rulings if they are standing in the way of actions he feels are important for the country. Sixty percent (60%) disagree and say the president should not have the right to ignore the courts. Fifteen percent (15%) are undecided.

But perhaps more unsettling to supporters of constitutional checks and balances is the finding that 43% of Democrats believe the president should have the right to ignore the courts. Only 35% of voters in President Obama’s party disagree, compared to 81% of Republicans and 67% of voters not affiliated with either major party.

Yes, you read that right. 43% of Democrats believe that Obama shouldn’t be bound or constrained by the federal courts, 22% aren’t sure, and only 35% Democrats think he should be bound by the federal courts’ decisions.

Obama Worship
All Hail Barack Obama

So one of the most horrific and potentially destructive problems facing America and Americans is that almost half of the Democrats are not just Statists, not just Anti-Federalist, but in favor of a tyrannical, autocratic presidency which unbound by- and unbeholden to the laws of the land set forth in the check and balances demanded by the Constitution.

If war is politics by other means than politics is just war by other means. These beings within the borders of our nation are not our opponents, they’re our enemies. An the very lawless, tyrannical nature of rule they desire makes them unlawful combatants. We, the People should treat them and such with no restraint and extreme prejudice.

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School House Rap

OK, to start with, there’s no rap in this video. I used “Rap” in this post’s title solely because rap is a unique Black corruption of music, which plays well with Obama’s unique corruption of the office of President. 😉

That being said, this video of Saturday Night Live’s mockery of Obama’s executive orders and how they are designed to overturn the law as enacted by Congress is hilarious.

SNL’s School House Rock Mocks Obama’s Executive Thuggery

SNL’s bit of sketch comedy aptly mocks and lampoon’s the boy’s overreach, would-be tyranny, and general thuggery as it pertains to immigration and Obama’s disregard for both the law and the constitutionally mandated limits on executive power. Rarely has SNL delivered such a well-deserved bit of disrespect for the man holding the office of POTUS.

Making Law Under The Obama Regime
Making Law Under The Obama Regime

The thing is that Obama has never much concerned himself with the law. Frankly, the boy seems to hold the law in contempt, enforcing it or not as he sees fit and changing said laws via executive fiat whenever he so chooses to.

This makes Obama worthy of mockery, disrespect, despite, and disdain…at a bare bones minimum that represents more truly Americans’ tolerance and tendency to give the hand-out of excuses to America’s First Black President than anything else.

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No Executive Amnesty

So the Scofflaw-in-Chief is going to commandeer the American airwaves tonight and jabber about how, through executive overreach, he’s going to countermand and overthrow the laws duly enacted by Congress by granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

NOTE: Obama’s handlers and overseers, along with many of his remaining followers, object to the word “Amnesty” but not to the meaning of his acts in this matter.

What Obama’s executive amnesty really means is:

  • The boy will once again prove himself a liar by not drawing a distinction between conscious and inadvertent violators of America’s immigration laws as he repeatedly claimed we must do.
  • He’ll  cause yet another surge of illegals from Central and South American countries, just as his previous suspension of enforcement action against the so-called Dreamers in June of 2012 did.
  • The boy’s reported plan would legalize as permanent U.S. residents many tens of thousands of illegal alien criminals – ones that are criminal far beyond merely being violators of immigration law. Like his previous actions, Obama’s amnesty would include: murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and a host of other criminals whose offenses the Obama Regime doesn’t consider “serious.”
  • His actions, if allowed to stand, will cost the American taxpayers tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars a year since most the recipients of the boy’s amnesty will be uneducated, unskilled, poverty-stricken individuals who will instantly qualify for any and all means-tested social programs on the books.

Thankfully but not unexpectedly, Congress – with the stereotypical exception of the lame-duck democrats in the Senate – are not taking Obama’s attempt at gross executive overreach and infringement of the constitutionally mandated Separation of Powers lying down. They are already moving to defund those parts of the federal bureaucracy which would be needed to implement Obama’s planned executive amnesty.

This is, in my opinion, a moderately good response but it is difficult to fully realize and contains more form than function due to the bureaucracies in question having a backlog of various supplies and means to implement, in the near-term at least, Obama’s atrocity. I believe that America would be better served if Congress thought less about “No Executive Amnesty” and much more about “No Amnesty For The Executive.”

No Amnesty for the Executive
No Amnesty For The Executive

Instead of merely defunding those portions of the ICE that would allow Obama to legalize these illegal aliens, Congress should also defund all portions of the US Secret Service that do not direct pertain to safeguarding the payment and financial systems of the United States.

Let we, the People, who are the true law of- and keepers of justice in the land, decide whether or not to extend amnesty to Obama. 😉

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Appointment With Failure

Obama JokeOnce again Obama has had an appointment with failure. Once again the boy willfully violated the constitution in his quest for the trappings of authority, and once again the SCOTUS shot him down like a rabid dog.

The SCOTUS, in ruling upon Noel Canning v. NLRB, unanimously held that Obama’s appointment appointments to the National Labor Relations Board were invalid and an unconstitutional usurpation of Congressional authority.

That’s right! All nine Supreme Court Judges, even the Liberal ones, ruled against his illegal actions.

My fellow Americans, the SCOTUS in affirming the rulings of the lower courts in this matter, has solidly and bluntly put forth the legal ruling that Obama directly and willfully violated the Constitution of the United States of America and, in so doing, directly and willfully violated his Oath of Office.

I believe that this qualifies as “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution. A 9-0 SCOTUS ruling definitely makes Obama’s guilt a legal fact as opposed to a matter for prosecution and question. Can we now moved to the boy’s impeachment, please?

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