Waiting For Outrage?

Are there any Americans left who are still waiting for outrage from the Liberals and Progressives over anything that Obama does or fails to do? If so, may I ask you what color the sky is in your world and where you get your medication?

Liberals and Progressives have no only failed to be outraged over Fast and Furious but have consistently defended Obama and his boy, Holder. This is a 180 degree turnabout from their position on the Gunwalker program, which was the Bush administrations better conceived and much better run bust still ultimately failed program that Obama’s Fast and Furious was a poor mockery of.

Still waiting for outrage from liberals over Fast and Furious?
No Liberal Outrage Over Fast and Furious

The Liberals and Progressives certainly have never shown any real outrage over the Obama Regimes reliance upon aerial drone strikes and other means of state-sanctioned murder – mass murder in some cases – to prosecute the War against Islamic Terrorism, even though these are escalations of policies that, under President Bush, they screamed, and screamed, and screamed about.

The Liberals and Progressives didn’t even flinch when Obama took it to the next step and committed various direct acts of war against sovereign nation, some of them supposedly our allies. This after for years calling President Bush a war criminal and ranting about his supposed illegal wars of aggression.

Yes we can murder whoever we want, wherever we want, whenever we want
No Liberal Outrage Over Drones Or State-Sanctioned Murders

And Benghazi? The Liberals and Progressives never even spoke of it. They heard all they need to know when Obama blamed a video for the attack and apologized to the Muslim World for Americans angering them so much that they had to murder our people. Anything to do with the Obama Regime’s murderous failures, shifting lies, and resultant desperate cover-ups they didn’t even hear. The only outrage they felt was over Americans wanting straight answers.

Liberals response to Obama's Benghazi lies and cover up
No Liberal Outrage Over Benghazi

Americans just need to wake up and smell the bitter effluence of reality. Liberals and Progressives don’t care and won’t show any outrage over the actions and/or inactions of a Democrat politician, most especially one who chose to be Black such as Obama.

Face it, the boy could get caught red-handed and wet-dicked raping his daughters Malia and Sasha and the Liberals and Progressives wouldn’t complain o’ermuch.

They’d spend their efforts saying it wasn’t “rape rape,” trying to find a way to blame the GOP, and claiming that Americans’ outrage over this hypothetical event was racist and culturally insensitive.

That they chose to reelect Obama even after he had continued or expanded so many policies and programs started under President Bush Jr., who happens to be Republican and White, that they ranted, screamed, and caterwauled about proves this point.

So, if you’re waiting for any form of outrage from the Liberals and Progressives to be aimed at Obama, you’re in for a long, long wait. Hellfire! Even if Obama did the Clinton Shuffle and moved towards the Right – the one thing that would normally invalidate his Blackness and eliminate the Left’s support – the modern crop of Liberals and Progressives would just blame it on the GOP somehow.

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Crybaby Obama - That's all he is; a petulent little boy crying because it's not fair that he's judged by his character and actions.We’re almost four years into the morass of the attempted reign of Obama and the pathetic little boy is still crying and whining and still blaming his predecessors for his difficulties and repeated failures.

Just as a reminder for everyone – Obama didn’t “inherit” the economy from anyone. He asked for it, campaigned for it, spent hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire it, and promised to change it.

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Feckless and Factless

Obama The Liar-in-ChiefObama, best and most kindly described as feckless and factless, is really working hard on his shucking and jiving. The boy’s gone from carefully “nuanced” misinformation to outright lies in his bid to keep his job and to keep his wife in the style she believes that she deserves.

There’s no real surprise at all in his lying; that’s the only real talent or skill this pathetic, narcissistic, snake oil huckster has. What is surprising is the rapidity and severity of his decompensation and reversion to his roots and his handlers allowing it to be publicly displayed.

The boy, his handlers, and his proxies are actually claiming that the Obama Regime has created more private sector job than either President Bush Jr. or President Reagan. And they actually seem to think that Americans will buy this steaming, reeking load of bullshit!

Well, I think that worker probably has a good understanding of what’s happened over the past four years in terms of the president coming in and seeing 800,000 jobs lost on the day that the president was being sworn in, and seeing the president moving pretty quickly to stem the losses, to turn the economy around. And over the past, you know, 27 months we’ve created 4.5 million private-sector jobs. That’s more jobs than in the Bush recovery (or) in the Reagan recovery.

Stephanie Cutter
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” (August 22, 2012)

Of course MSNBC and the rest of lamestream media just let this baldfaced lie slide, as they were expected to do, so there’s some basis for Obama belief that his lies, if big enough and repeated often enough, will be believed by enough people to make a difference.

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Chomsky And The Shark

Noam Chomsky has for decades been a guru of the Leftists. The Liberals and Progressives have sucked down his repetitive attacks upon America, swallowed, and begged for another load. That might have just changed though because Chomsky has in all likelihood, in the eyes of the Left, just jumped the shark.

Chomsky, among other things, just he called Obama a murderer.

Don’t expect to hear or see much about this in the Lamestream Media. They’d be too conflicted as to who to side against and who to protect to let this hit the national airwaves.

Actually, so far, it’s being largely hushed up by the people controlling the Left. They seem to be using their normal tactic of silencing dissent and violations of acceptable groupthink on Chomsky, much as they tried to do with Sarah Palin. That, in itself, is quite telling.

My guess is that Chomsky just lost his following by attacking Obama and will now be heavily censored by the Left, with only approved speeches, articles, and interviews receiving widespread dissemination – at least until after the 2012 elections in November.

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Explaining Anything

Life is actually completely simple. Anything and everything in the world is very, very easy to explain…

Global Warming Murder
It Was AGW In The Study With Greenhouse Gasses

Anything even remotely unpleasant is because of Climate Change – which is, as all know through endless repetition and droning, President George Bush, Jr.’s fault.

The only flaw in this is “racism.” It hasn’t yet been determined if White’s endemic racism is because of AGW or if AGW is because of White’s endemic racism.

Anything even remotely pleasant is in spite of Climate Change – which is, as all know through endless repetition and droning, President George Bush, Jr.’s fault.

See? Life is simple. 😆

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