Venezuelan Gang Problems

Venezuelan Gang Problems
Solving For Venezuelan Gang Problems

The solution to the problem of the Venezuelan gangs that have cropped up, causing havoc in a number of our cities, is to exterminate them and, if at all possible, dump their carcasses somewhere remote and/or secluded – or find a friendly hog farmer 😉

As soon as we stop giving these things the handout of considering them to be people and start treating them like any other dangerous, invasive species, we’ll be on the short path to solving for the problem they are and sending a message to other sorts that will chill their eagerness to invade our nation.

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What They Want And Why

What They Want
What They Want

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “The Girl from the Bronx,” – actually, the puta from Yorktown in ever-so-upscale Westchester County – seems to think that America wants Socialism, despite the state of Venezuela and what has happened to every country who’s ever implemented Socialism.

The thing is, while she’s wrong about America and Americans, she’s right about her constituency, the Left, and most of the Democrat party. They do want Socialism and they know exactly why they want it.

Socialism For Dummies
Why They Want It

Our domestic enemies, the so-called Liberals and Progressives and those minorities sharecroppers that they pander to- and enable do want socialism. They want it even knowing the harm it would wreak upon the nation. Indeed, in a way they want Socialism because of the harm that would wreak upon the nation. This is simply because our domestic enemies are far, far, far more emotionally invested in taking from the successful than becoming successful themselves. That’s why so much of their rhetoric is about “income inequality,” “wage gaps,” and so forth. It’s also why their dead set against anything that actually benefits “the poor” if it also benefits “the rich.”

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Viva el Socialismo

The wages of sin are death or so it is said (Romans 6:23). The wages of Socialism are…wait! what wages?

Long Live Socialism!
Viva el Socialismo – #SentirElBern

Yes, Venezuela’s attempt at Socialism has, not in the least unexpectedly, ended in total economic collapse and mass starvation and persistent, bloody societal upheaval. Argentina and Brazil are not far behind.

This is obviously not something that Bernie Sanders wants to comment upon. Hillary Clinton wouldn’t wish to either since her agenda differs from Bernie’s only in the speed of its implementation and the race and gender specifics for that implementation.

But none of the above means that socialism provides no benefits. There’s an upside to it.

Socialism Does Have An Upside

And yes! That upside is the new and growing plethora of Venezuelan babes – and Venezuela has many beautiful women – who are now rethinking their personal economics, virtue, and futures. 😉

Heck! With manufacturing and production essentially defunct in Venezuela, moving into the service industries makes good sense for these women. It’d certainly bring in a much needed influx of foreign capital.

Venezuelan Babes Will Fuck For Food
Socialism’s Upside

And, if combined with well-reasoned immigration reform, this could be a real win-win situation. Admittedly though, given global economics and exchange rates, I’d favor a somewhat more managed economic approach over a fully free market one. Renewal resources or not, I’d never advocate a completely predatory extraction model. 😉


Oh! And for those of you reading this who are already screaming in rage or are about to, you need to “check your privilege.” In all statistical likelihood, your from the Developed World; it’s even probable that your in America. Hence, not only are you one of the Global 1%, you’ve also never even seen real poverty beyond a few sanitized commercials for charities.

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Why Liberals Love Chavez

Hugo Chavez - The Venezuelan Howler Monkey - A tin pot socialist dictator with delusion of being a manOne common trend among America’s Leftist domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives is their unwavering love for the Venezuelan Socialist Dictator Hugo Chavez.

It’s easy to write this off as the Liberals just, once again, siding with America’s foreign enemies. I think though that recent events have pointed out the flaw in this all-too-easy assumption.

The Liberals and Progressives love this howler monkey with delusion of being a man because he does what they wish their leaders could and would do.

Few had heard of Afiuni until 10 December 2009 when she granted bail to Eligio Cedeño, a banker charged with evading currency controls. He had been in jail for almost three years without trial, exceeding legal limits. He fled and is now in the US seeking asylum.

Chávez, who had taken a close interest in the case, was furious. He went on TV the day after the release and said Afiuni was a “bandit” who took a bribe. “This judge should get the maximum penalty … 30 years in prison! That judge has to pay for what she has done.”

He told the head of the supreme court that the case should be treated with “firmness”. Afiuni was charged with corruption and abuse of power. In May prosecutors said they had found no evidence of illicit payments but accused the judge of “spiritual corruption”. There is no trial date.

Rory Carroll, Friday 14 January 2011

That’s right; Judge Afiuni granted a banker bail – not dismissal of charges, just bail – after he’d been imprisoned for nearly three years without trial and the vermin, Chavez’ response was to have the judge summarily imprisoned for 30 years.

Such powers and actions are exactly what the Leftists within America’s borders crave for and from their leaders. They would love it if Obama did something similar to what Chavez has done – as long as it furthered their class warfare against the productive American society.

Remember and know that, while our domestic enemies rant and rail about “illegal detentions” and GitMo, they would have no such qualms about Obama doing the same thing to the bankers and leaders of Wall Street and would be beyond merely happy if Obama fired or imprisoned any federal judge who did not arranged for these people’s incarceration.

The filth, Hugo Chavez has been, so far, a quite successful Socialist tyrant.  That’s why Liberals love him so.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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