He Broke Up With You…
Personally, I think that women have been trained to believe that the primary reason that they either can’t get a man or keep a man is their physical beauty since the first person realized that he or she could make a living off of convincing women of that idea.
More often though, when it comes to a man breaking up with a woman, it’s not at all about her appearance. It’s about how she acts and what her ideology is. Most men, especially those men who are “worth anything as men” will leave post-haste as soon as they realize that the female they’re with is not a woman, but a womyn. They leave because socialists, feminists, “wokelings,” and similar sorts make piss-poor mates and should never be allowed into circumstances when and where they might bear children.
Then again, there is some truth to such womyn’s sentiments, just not in the shallow, venal, ephemeral context that they relegate men’s opinions to. Men have, do, and will break up with womyn because they’re ugly. It’s just that it’s the ugliness of their minds and souls, not of their features and forms, that drive good men away.
Tags: Beauty | Dating | Ethics & Morality | Humor | Ideology | Liberals | Progressives | Sarcasm | Socialism | Socialists | Society | Ugliness | Women
She’s Not Fond Of Mirrors
Frederica Wilson – She’s Not Fond Of Mirrors
Yeah, hypocrisy runs rampant in the Democrat party and freaking stampedes among their Blacks. In this, Frederica Wilson epitomizes the hypocrisy, lack of introspection and self-awareness, and uncivil behavior that is the touchstone of Democrats and their chosen constituencies. 😉
Still though, it is Halloween so Wilson’s appearance is appropriate today…
Tags: America | Blacks | Frederica Wilson | Humor | Hypocrisy | Politics | Sarcasm | Trump | Ugliness | Vermin
Compassion For Hillary
Show Some Compassion For Hillary
Ladies and Gentlemen, My Fellow Americans, it’s so easy to heap scorn, derision, and disdain, upon Hillary Clinton. In truth, it is almost a divine mandate to do so, especially in the wake of her involvement with yet another rapist. But please! Show some measure of compassion towards Hillary. Imagine how she’s been feeling all this long time…
Tags: America | Clinton | Hillary | Humor | Rape | Rapists | Sarcasm | Schadenfreude | Sexual Assault | Sexual Harassment | Ugliness | Weinstein
National Populism
America’s domestic enemies, the Liberal and Progressives, have always loathed nationalism, which they find atavistic. And, they’ve recently gone off in a paroxysm of hysterical hate of populism…well, populism other than their own. But, as the Left has issues putting things together, it took supposed conservatives to make the phrase “National Populism.”
And, of course, these supposed conservatives – who are really just bitter, clinging remnants of the #NeverTrump crowd – paint national populism as a horrid and ugly thing.
Personally, I find great beauty in what the supposed conservatives declaim as National Populism, great beauty indeed. To my mind, when greatness comes to America it will be draped in our flag.
Oh, and in case there’s some confusion, I am belittling the viewpoints and fears of the #NeverTrump crowd just as I belittle those of their fellow travelers, the deranged snowflakes and crybullies crying #NotMyPresident.
Tags: #NeverTrump | #NotMyPresident | America | Babes | Beauty | Flag Clothing | Liberals | National Populism | Nationalism | Neo-Conservatives | Patriotism | Politics | Populism | Progressives | RINOs | Sarcasm | Trump | Ugliness