The 1st Brush Of Autumn
As Tyler, The Portly Politico recently reminded me, Fall officially started Wednesday, Sep 22. So, that combined with the oddly seasonal sudden cooling we’ve experienced up here in NY, definitely means we’ve felt the 1st brush of Autumn in 2021.
Like Tyler and a plethora of other people, Autumn is my favorite season, though for different reasons than most will admit to. 😛
The 1st great joy of this, my favorite season, is the return of thigh-high socks. I don’t know why – there’s little to no point in arguing matters of taste or attraction, even with one’s self – but socks up over their knees, especially when combined with shorts, short skirts, or minidresses, is a wonderful and titillating part of Autumn for me.
And, of joyous course, the 1st brush of Autumn is also the 1st blush of sweater season. And, who doesn’t love – or, at least lust after – women in sweaters? For Americans, it is literally part of our culture and has been entrenched in it since before WW2.
Of course, the best thing about the 1st blush of Autumn and its cooler weather is the women who weren’t expecting it, didn’t care about it, or choose to capitalize upon it. 😉
Oh yes! I love the 1st blush of Autumn and all the beauty and joy it brings me.
Tags: Autumn | Babes | Beauty | Cold Weather | Fall | Nipples | Pokies | Sexy | Society | Sweater Meat | Sweater Weather | Sweaters | Thigh-High Socks