Climatards' Green Utopia

Climatards' Green Utopia
The Climatards’ Green Utopia

I’ve stated before what the Democrats’ plan for America’s agricultural sector is. But the image above depicts the specific goals of the Climatards among Americans’ domestic enemies and the Green Utopia that they want to fundamentally transform our nation into. That is, of course, when they’re not demanding that we simply outsource resource extraction and its concomitant pollution to “developing nations.”

Yes, these are the useful idiots that are, themselves being farmed by Democrat politicians, certain groups within the deep state that want better budgets and more job security, and the Leftists that long ago turned the entirety of Global Warming into an attack upon Western prosperity in an attempt to distribute our wealth to those others that they prefer.

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Dems' Agricultural Goals

Dems’ Agricultural Goals

The Dems’ agricultural goals are quite simple – the nigh on complete destruction of American farming, farmers, and rural communities. True, this is most and most openly and overtly true among the more “Progressive” arm of the Dems, but the rest of them are either complicit in it or utterly apathetic to what’s being done to farmers in America.

Of course, this makes a certain sense since the majority of Democrats live in urban centers and have little understanding of- or liking for Americans of the heartland, the majority of whom are Republicans. This is largely a simple case of destroying ones enemies.

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Save The Damn Bees!


Save The Damn Bees!
(Click to Enlarge)

Africanization, habitat loss for some wild species, colony collapse disorder, and now Murder Hornets! We seriously need to save the bees – specifically, the European Honey Bee (a melange of various Apis mellifera subspecies).


Really! Save The Damn Bees!
(Click to Enlarge)

And Hellfire! Forget the agriculture. Think of the honey and all the wonderful things it can be drizzled upon. I mean Karo and/or Golden syrup are all well and good, but honey is better.

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Thanksgiving Dinner Origins

In America, we’re about ready for Thanksgiving, our particular riff on the age-old harvest festival. Tomorrow the majority of us will be enjoying some variety of variants of our Thanksgiving dinner. Hopefully, most of us will enjoy our feasts and the company, be it family, friends, or both, that we are surrounded by while doing so.

Thanksgiving Dinner

One thing though – Thanksgiving, despite America’s spin upon it, is still at its heart a harvest celebration. Hence, I believe that we should spare a moment or more to consider our Thanksgiving dinner’s origin. And by that I do not mean the well-known legendry of Thanksgiving or the murkier and more complex history thereof; No, I mean the origins of the delicious food upon our tables.

Spare some time this Thanksgiving to think about and be grateful for the efforts of all those “rural folk” – the farmers, ranchers, and such along with the men and women who get those crops from the farms across the land to the stores you buy it at.

Thanksgiving Dinner Origins

Yeah, it would be good and very likely pleasant to pause and consider the farm workers and such in those so easily dismissible fly-over districts, counties, and states. Instead of repeating the urbanites’ and suburanites’ mistake of considering the America’s rural population as forgettable but unforgivable, deplorable, uneducated hicks and rubes, consider that there’s a reason why they make up the heartland of America.

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The Irony, It Burns

Hispanic Neo-Slaves Sometimes the irony, it burns.

It burns hot with the all-consuming fires of unpleasant and uncomfortable truths – truths that the purveyors of lies hate with a black, bleeding passion and the believers of those lies dread being forced to acknowledge.

The Liberals’ position on illegal immigration is one such burning, caustic irony that, will turn their dreams to ash if fully exposed to the masses – assuming, that is, that those masses could bring themselves to accept it.

Whenever forced to provide a measurable reason why America’s borders shouldn’t be secured and the illegals already hiding within them be expelled the reason that they always supple is that illegal immigrants are needed for America’s economy because they will work for substandard wages and in substandard conditions.

The Liberals’ Position On Illegal Immigration

Whenever forced to provide a measurable reason why America’s borders shouldn’t be secured and the illegals already hiding within them be expelled the reason that they always supple is that illegal immigrants are needed for America’s economy because they will work for substandard wages and in substandard conditions.

Go ahead, if you can stomach talking to them, and force a Liberal to give an answer with more substance than “Open Borders”, “Right to Travel,” or the ever-ready “Racist!” or “Nationalist!”

According to the Liberals we as nation need illegal immigrants, mostly the Hispanic ones, in order to maintain our standard of living through using them as some form of neo- or quasi-slave labor – especially in when it comes to agriculture, factory work, and domestic maintenance.

Liberals’ Answers

Those are immensely ironic answers from a group of people who tout themselves as being the guardians of civil rights fighting the long, hard war against “America’s ingrained and institutional racism.” It’s an amazingly ironic position for a group of people who claim to be the champions of workers rights.

Yet, these are the answers that the Liberals keep giving – over, and over, and over again.

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