Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yay! It’s Thanksgiving again. Or, as I often call it, Turkey Day. Truly, this is my favorite American holiday, mostly because I love both cooking and feeding people – the bigger the feast, the better.

But really. This year especially, we Americans have a lot to be thankful for, having restored President Trump to his rightful office and having regained control over Congress, with 90% of the nation moving back towards normalcy and away from Leftism. Indeed, the fact that our domestic enemies have little to nothing to be thankful for this year is another great thing for Americans to be thankful for.

So, my fellow Americans, happy thanksgiving!

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In Thanksgiving

In Thanksgiving For Amerindian Babes

Yeah, OK. This is mostly just to troll the anti-White filth who come crawling and mewling out of their holes around Thanksgiving. Still, Amerindian babes are hot and I am thankful they’re still around. 😉

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NCC-1701 In Cincinnati

NCC-1701 In Cincinnati
NCC-1701 In Cincinnati

I think it’s close enough to Thanksgiving for this gem. Admittedly though, I’m a bit worried that the majority of population are just too young to get it.

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Another Better Black Friday

Another Better Black Friday

Well, it’s another Black Friday. Hence, once again I’m going to advise you to avoid the yearly insanity and mob violence of this manufactured shopping paroxysm – especially in these times. Better by far in my opinion to stay home and enjoy this Black Friday. Do it right, and you can even give them something to be thankful for next year. 😉

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Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving!
(Click to Enlarge)

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