The Zombie Apocalypse

I think we actually be nearing the Zombie Apocalypse. No, I’m not expecting the streets to soon fill with the hungry undead – DNC functions excepted 😛 – any time soon or, likely, ever. I’m talking about the apocalypse of the zombie meme itself.

Girls In Their Undies vs. Zombies

I’m pretty sure that the existence and popularity of cartoonist massgrfx’s Girls In Their Undies vs. Zombies indicates that the Zombie Apocalypse meme is rotting away from the inside and that its end – Not with a bang but a groan – is fast approaching.

I mean, C’mon! There’s now the pop-culture term, “ZILFs” (Zombies I’d Like to Fuck) and iZombie exec producer Rob Thomas is comfortable taking full advantage of it.  Hence, while predicting the eschaton of a meme is inherently inaccurate, I think this one is done or nearly so.

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The Zombie POTUS

It’s politically acceptable to describe Obama as a Lame Duck POTUS since he cannot stand for reelection. A better, much more honest, and, hence, unacceptable thing to do would be call Obama a Zombie POTUS.

Zombie Obama
The Zombie POTUS

Not only can the boy not be reelected, his policies – indeed, his rhetoric and everything he a portrayed himself as doing – are a large part of the reason that the Democrats lost and lost big in both the 2010 and 2014 midterm elections, even though many Dems did their best to turn on the boy and distance themselves from him.

This is, of course, not to say that Obama doesn’t still pose a clear and present danger to America and Americans. Even feculent shufflers like him can and will do what harm they can. The boy does after all have absolutely nothing to lose and has enough lame duck Senators to cause problems.

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Obama: The Sequel

Today is the day of Obama 2nd inauguration and, as such, is the official opening day of the boy’s latest theatrical release.

Obama - Mistaken 2
Obama: The Sequel – Mistaken 2

The only thing is that nobody is sure, as of yet, what genre this (im)morality play will be in: Black Comedy, Political Thriller, Zombie Apocalypse, or a gritty, streetwise remake of Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde with Obama in the starring role(s)?

Personally, I’m sort of hoping for a twisted remake – yes, another one! – of Red Dawn. The image of a young, White guy in a school jacket holding up Obama’s severed head and yelling, “Wolverines!” give me a warm feeling in my soul. 😉 Add three more Americans carrying the heads of the rest of the Obamas and I’d say the work deserved an Oscar!

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Halloween Horror

Life supposedly mimics art and this can cause us to experience nightmares. What should have been just titillating Halloween horror can become a stark, terrifying reality.

Right now the Makers, the tax-paying, productive citizens of America are experiencing just such a horror. A plague of parasite-driven zombies are coming for them.

Parasitic - If you're productive, you are what they eat
Makers Beware! You Are What They Eat

Fortunately, I suppose, this parasite version of a zombie apocalypse isn’t one of the grass-roots varieties. There is a nest leader, a King of the Zombie as it were.

Obama The Zombie King
The Lord Of The Infected

Kill the King and the hive mind loses direction. At that point, the drones are close to harmless and can be obliterated piecemeal. Better even, the method for killing zombies has been long-established and, if one or more brave souls take proper action, the parasitic plague of zombies can be expunged.

Obama seen through a sniper's scope.
Head, Not Heart! Your Dope Is Wrong!

You’ve got to get it right though if you want to end the apocalypse.  Headshots are the solution for zombies and politicians, not center of mass.  They’ll just get up again otherwise.

Or…We could just vote Obama and as many Leftists out of office on November 6th, 2012. It’s a rather anticlimactic ending for the Obama zombie apocalypse but, I suppose, life doesn’t have to mirror art perfectly in every way. 😆

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That Old Black Magic

In a previous post Alan Scott made a good observation about the 2012 Democratic National Convention and Obama’s and his cronies’ performance throughout it.

If you watch the convention you would think that the old magic is still there. The faithful are enthralled with the speakers praising our fearless leader. The hardcore zombies lap up the twin philosophies of victimhood and scapegoat politics. They are the victims and rich white men are the scapegoats.

Yep! Alan is right. That Old Black Magic still seems to be strong. Obama and Co. can still pack them in, if not quite in the same order of magnitude as before he’d actually had to do anything.

I Worship Obama

That’s the advantage of having a cult of personality as opposed to having to rely upon plans and results. The zombie cultists can always be counted upon to shuffle in and chant or groan in the appropriate manner. 😉

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