All They’re Saying…

The slackers who make up the active majority of the Occupy Wall St. crowd make not have a manifesto or even a clear cut agenda beyond hating the successful members of American society and wanting the government to punish them and redistribute their wealth, but they do talk about their generalized ideas.

All we're saying is to give the death of capitalism a chance
All We’re Saying Is Give State Socialism A Chance

Sadly for them, it’s just the same old Leftist song that Liberals and Progressives have been warbling for decades. Why they think that the tune will be more acceptable to Americans now is beyond rational ken.

When all you’re saying is that you want other people’s money you really shouldn’t want the American people to listen to you. They’ll likely do the right thing and gut shoot you. πŸ˜‰

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Down With Corporations!

The unwashed, unworthy, and obviously unthinking rabble that make up the labor unions’ ground troops in their staged Occupy Wall St. Protests are truly funny to watch.

Occupy Wall St. Anti-Corporate Shills
Down With Corporations!
(Click to Enlarge)

These hopeless and unproductive slackers don’t even realize that they proclaiming to world that they’re just biting the very hands that feed them, cloth them, and provide them with their much needed toys. πŸ˜‰

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Occupying Wallstreet

We continue to hear a bit, though not a great deal, about the anti-market and anti-American filth “occupying” Wall Street in New York. But what is it that this rabble wants?

Other People's Money
What Do They Want? Other People’s Money!

They’re utterly unfocused and don’t even have an agenda beyond hating the productive and wanting the government to redistribute the wealth so that they don’t have to take responsibility for themselves and their own survival and/or prosperity.

Unfocused, Unwashed, Unworthy, and Un-American

Fortunately for Americans, the same lack of merit that caused these slackers to protest keeps them from being much of threat to our nation for now. If that changes later, we will just have to slaughter amongst them until they crawl back into the sewers where they belong.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.

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The One Has Spoken

The Obama Messiah - A False prophet with delusions of worthObama, having finished with both his 50th birthday party / fundraising gala and it’s unavoidable physical consequences, decided once again to read from his teleprompter for the American people and his Liberals.Β  In it he tried to brush off Standard & Poor’s downgrading of the US government’s credit rating and to reassure everyone about the basic soundness of the American economy.

The One had spoken! S & P was wrong and everything was really fine. America’s government was entitled to a AAA rating; Warren Buffett even said so.

And the people listened. The Dow plunged a total of approximately 630 points and the NASDAQ lost 80 points by close of trading in the wake of Obama’s predictably arrogant and empty mouthings.

If the boy doesn’t have the honor to suicide or the decency to resign his office, he could, at a bare minimum, keep his jabbering mouth shut about any and all issues of substance.

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Taking Obama Seriously

Obama mouths a lot words off of his teleprompter about how he’s trying to either save or protect “normal Americans” from the evils of the “Rich Old White Men” on Wall Street and the GOP.

Taking Obama Seriously - It's Hard To Do
It’s Difficult To Take Obama Seriously

He’s got more than a bit of a credibility problem though since by all tangible measurements America’s economy is in a worse and worsening state after he and his cabal of Liberals spent close to a trillion dollars that we didn’t have to fix it only to leave us with a persistent 9%+ official unemployment rate, which is significantly higher than Obama said America would suffer without his Porkulus package.

But, to be fair, he’s pretty good at golf. πŸ˜€

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