Impeach Biden?

Impeach Biden?
Impeach Biden?

So, the House – specifically, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA-14) – has introduced Articles of Impeachment against Joe “Bad Hands” Biden. I don’t in the least find this surprising after what Dems have done, but I do find it to be stupid, largely worthless, and very much not a good thing for the political landscape of our nation.

Yes, it’s true that we have more evidence that Biden has committed “High Crimes” than the Dems had against President Trump. But, from a procedural and/or legal standpoint, that is, at this moment, largely because the Dems had no evidence against President Trump since their “charges” were either wholly fabricated – as in a charge in the articles not actually being a High Crime or Misdemeanor – or being something that he hadn’t done but they were supposedly convinced her might do in the future. And again yes, it’s rather unlikely that truly sufficient evidence will be able to be gotten, given the nature and bias of the FBI and rest of the DOJ. That doesn’t, however, mean you move forward without that evidence.

Also, another simple truth is that the Senate is largely Democrat. Even if the House indicted Biden – which is highly unlikely – there is no way the Senate would convict him, much less remove him from office even if they truly believed that, in his former role as Vice President, President Biden abused the power of that office through enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors by allowing his son Hunter Biden to influence the domestic policy of a foreign nation and accept benefits from foreign nationals in exchange for favors. They could catch him raping toddlers in the Oval Office and still not remove him from office, not with either President Trump, Gov. DeSantis, or a pairing of both looming on the horizon.

So, there’s no valid, real-world purpose behind introducing articles of Impeachment against Creepy Uncle Joe. No good will come of it and doing so just furthers the erosion of our republic that the Dems started. It’s just largely pointless and selfish virtue signalling.

They will be the first articles of impeachment filed against Biden since House Republicans took the majority in January

The above is the subtitle of Fox News’ article about this. And, I think that it is both telling and predictive. The Dems broke the door open to using impeachment as a normal, every-day tool against the POTUS and, now, Republicans are returning the favor, having realized that it’s a seemingly cheap way of making their position clear and “showing” their constituencies that they’re righteous. It’s going to accelerate, escalate, and degenerate from here in all likelihood.

Folks, forget the idea of someone playing Nero’s part while Rome burns. What we’re going to see is the Dems and Republicans doing Call & Response ala “Dueling Banjos” while the nation burns.

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Bud, You Can't Give It Away

Bud, You Can't Give It Away
Bud, You Can’t Give It Away

Sometimes one is more than enough. In this case, it was one can of Bud Light, one disturbingly deranged tranny with too large of audience, and one marketing exec who hated her brand’s customer base. In Anheuser-Busch’s case, 1 + 1 +1 = -5 billion USD in market capitalization to-date. It’s so bad and not looking to end anytime soon, that Anheuser-Busch is literally giving their beer away for Memorial Day 2023… if they can.

Yeah, the rebate their offering is literally within the average cost range of the product! But will any American drink it even if it’s free?

Well, stupid should be painful and Anheuser-Busch has continued to display painful stupidity from the get-go in this self-inflicted debacle. πŸ˜‰

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Queers Are Stupid

Queers Are Stupid
Queers Are Stupid

Yes, queers are stupid. They openly and vociferously support “Palestine” despite the fact that each and every one of them could, and likely would, be subject to being tortured and brutally murdered by the very sorts they support if they were to ever meet them. They side with the very sorts that kill their kind whenever they found. That’s a special sort of stupid.

It’s not, IMHO, quite the sort of stupidity that most of us think though. Theirs is that special sort of stupidity that comes stems from the fact that the vast majority of queers are Democrats. And the Democrat party is staunchly antisemitic, especially when it comes to the Jewish nation of Israel. The queers’ stupidity is blindly following the Democrat party’s ideology even when it not only counter to their material interests, it’s counter to the very survival of those like them.

Sadly though, you can’t fix stupid. There’s no pill you can have them take; there’s not a class you can go to. Stupid is life. All you can do is to make sure that they can cause the least amount of harm to others as possible.

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Modern Safety Warnings

Modern Safety Warnings
Modern Safety Warnings

Modern safety warning are quite ridiculous seeming. But, remember this, they’re needed because, not only did someone do that form of stupid, they sued the company after it went poorly for them. πŸ™„

Yeah, it’s a Mark Twain sort of thing. It’s good, even needful, to laugh at this. But, that’s mostly to keep from weeping or going into a rage against the degeneration of our society.

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Late To The Fight Again

Late To The Fight Again
They’re Late To The Fight Again

This piece of delightful sarcasm aptly and succinctly sums up how just about every time some Liberal, Progressive, #Woke fools try to do something to combat anything, they’re late to fight, often by generations. :-p

It’s just a sad fact that these sorts seem to always want to make some drastic statement and take some definitive action to correct some wrong they’ve decided upon when the issue – if it even is one – is far more fundamental than they seem to believe and cannot be fixed by the actions they perform and demand other perform as well.

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