Perilous Exceptionalism

Former US Secretary of State Condoleeza RiceOn Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at the 2012 Republican National Convention Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice took the podium and delivered a rousing speech that brought the crowd to their feet and kept them there throughout her oration.

Her focus on the incredible opportunities America presents and the extraordinary goodness of America was a stark contrast to Obama’s normal complaints about the country and its people.

It was an awesome speech and you can read a transcript of it here. One statement in it, however, stood out and still stands out in my mind, and it’s likely not the point that Ms. Rice would want anyone to focus upon as her speech was largely positive in nature.

Whenever you find yourself doubting us – just think of all the times that we have made the impossible seem inevitable in retrospect.

Ms. Rice spoke a great truth in that simple sentence. Yet, in it she has described the truly perilous exceptionalism of America. We are exceptional and we, as a unified people, have made made the impossible seem inevitable in retrospect. That can cut both ways though.

It has always seemed impossible to normal Americans that our country could sink into a entitlement state. Yet, in retrospect, it seems to have been inevitable. It has always seemed impossible to normal Americans that our country could become a semi-totalitarian nanny state. Yet, in retrospect, it seems have been inevitable. It has always seemed impossible to normal Americans that our societal morality could degenerate so far and in so many ways as it has. Yet, in retrospect, it seems to have been inevitable.

This is why America’s exceptionalism is so perilous. We as a people are so powerful and so dynamic that the seemingly impossible is made commonplace and this has fostered a complacency that may well doom us because we fail to understand that it can happen here.

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An Insurgent Outlier?

The American EagleOf late, much as been made in the Blogosphere by Liberals and Progressives – and the more mainstream professional Democrats – about Thomas E. Mann’s and Norman J. Ornstein’s recent assault upon the GOP.

The Leftists living within America’s borders love it since it stays staunchly within their narrative experience, and reinforces their ideological beliefs.

Mostly, the focus had been upon one paragraph in their lengthy Op-ed of April 27, 2012:

The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.

While Mann and Ornstein meant this as approbation, there’s truth in it and it is something that the burgeoning Conservative arm of the GOP should be heartily proud of.

Yes! The current Republican Party, largely through the efforts of TEA Party and those the elected into office, is insurgent outlier in American politics. They are no longer willing to maintain the destructive farce that is, and has been for generations, the status quo of American politics. They don’t just want change, they want and demand a course correction – because that’s what we, the People told them to want.

Read the rest of this entry »

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No Worse Tyranny

One the great Truths was revealed to masses of Mankind by Robert Heinlein in The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, originally published in 1966.

No Worse Tyranny
Heinlein Nailed It

As was often the case with Mr. Heinlein, he was exactly correct. Tyranny of the worst sort will not be enacted by the angry despot; it will be forced upon the people by a more kindly despot, the Nanny State.

This, more than any other of their evils, is why the Liberals and Progressives are the enemies of freedom and liberty. They are Statists, promulgating neo-Socialist policies, for “our own good” as they see it.

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America Needs…

There is no doubt in any sane person’s mind that Obama rose to power on a three part platform: that he wasn’t President Bush; the “Magic Negro” promise; and his avowed belief in far Left, Socialist policies. These three points are what allowed him to garner enough funding to buy his way into the Presidency.

The first two are important only in future historical context and as an object lesson in real racism; the reactionary nature of the electorate, and ethnoguiltism and racism are well established phenomena. It is only the third leg of Obama’s platform that really matters right now – his left-wing, socialist demagoguery based upon the postulate that America needs to be fundamentally changed.

Obama - We need to destroy their very fabric of America
We Need To Fundamentally Change America

Obama’s professed racially tinged Liberal and/or Progressive ideology is important for two reasons:

  1. It was and is the rationale used by many for supporting Obama. White Leftists supporting him can claim that they’re doing so based upon his policies instead of his race.
  2. It’s Obama’s avowed ideology that stands the real chance of further damaging America because he has to show that he’s making a concerted attempt to fundamentally change America into a European style, neo-Socialist quasi-nation subordinate to extra-national powers, and any success that he has in this will be a failure for America.

The sole bit of good news is that Liberalism and Progressivism, seasoned with racial angst, are only Obama’s professed and avowed ideologies. The boy is far to narcissistic, self-centered, and small to let any of his supposed beliefs get in the way of his legacy. This means that he’s controllable through his own weakness and that Americans, if they maintain or expand their control of Congress, can blunt most of his actions and policies that would harm America.

Hehe…Keep control of the House and get a few more seats in the Senate and Americans can impeach, convict, oust, and imprison or even hang Obama over Libya.

There’d be a certain joy – Schadenfreude certainly – in forcing the Liberals and Progressives to defend the President’s “right” to engage in illegal wars.

No, Obama is eminently defeatable even if he manages to shuck, jive, lie, and demagogue his way into a second term; he’s just a selfish, spoiled, little boy playing at being a man and, like all such brats, it just takes a firm hand to keep him in line – the last three years have proven that.

If Americans can keep their eyes on their local and state legislatures and upon the Congressional elections, we can look at Obama and, when he acts outs, metaphorically say, “Go to your room, boy!”

America needs, not to be fundamentally changed, but to fundamentally changed back into the great, shining beacon of freedom, liberty, responsibility, and pride that is meant to be – and, if Americans keep a firm hand on the strap, we can do that irrespective of whether or not Obama is continued to be allowed to be President.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.

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Liberal Goals

Ayn Rand, one of the few staunch literary defenders of individual liberty and robust American capitalism and excellence, had much to say about the goals of the Leftists, these Liberals and Progressives:

The goal of the “liberals”—as it emerges from the record of the past decades—was to smuggle this country into welfare statism by means of single, concrete, specific measures, enlarging the power of the government a step at a time, never permitting these steps to be summed up into principles, never permitting their direction to be identified or the basic issue to be named. Thus, statism was to come, not by vote or by violence, but by slow rot—by a long process of evasion and epistemological corruption, leading to a fait accompli.

— Ayn Rand
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal

I happen to disagree with her. Insofar as I can see, statism is the chosen methodology of the Liberals and Progressives, not the goal. A giant, all-encompassing, intrusive government is merely, to them, a necessary means to an end.

There goal is to have a “state” without national identity, pride, or identifiable culture where all of the people’s sundry needs and most desires are either fulfilled or guaranteed by the government. They wish to bring about an egalitarian Utopia where merit and circumstance have no bearing upon one’s material success.

Statism, despite Rand’s assertion, is just the only means by which the Leftists believe they can bring about this unnatural state of being. They simple need a despotic central force to enact and maintain their fantasy of a neo-Socialist, fully managed society.

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